February 2025 |
What the Lord Jesus Christ Accomplished on the Cross -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 02/12/2025 (WN) | Colossians 2:14-17 | The Atonement Brings One Back into a Right Relationship with God. Jesus Christ Accomplished All This on the Cross by Removing Our Sin and Guilt; Removing the Wrath God Rightly Had toward Mankind; Made That We Are No Longer Separated from Him [We Can Be Walking with Him]. And, He Defeated Satan: Made a Show of Him Openly. So, Sin No Longer Stands Between God and You IF You Accept the Person God Gave Us: Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. |
Jacob’s Journey: From Deceiver to Destiny -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 02/05/2025 (WN) | Explore Jacob's transformative journey from a deceiver who manipulated his way through life to a man who encountered God face-to-face and was forever changed. Drawing from Genesis 25, 28, and 32, it highlights how Jacob's struggles, failures, and wrestling with God reflect the human condition—marked by striving, brokenness, and the desperate need for divine intervention. |
January 2025 |
Relationship With Christ NOT UPLOADED YET |
Charles Lawson | 01/29/2025 (WN) |
Hebrews 2:5-9 | Book of Hebrews Deals with Three Major Things: the Angels, Almighty God, and Man. Why Are We So Important? We Have the Capacity to Walk in Fellowship with God and We Can Reach Where the Angels or Satan Cannot. Jesus Christ Tasted Death for Every Man and He Gives Us an Appetite for His Word. The Holy Spirit Dwells Inside Us Which is Eternal Life Because Christ is Life. |
Validating the Truth of God's Word NOT UPLOADED YET |
Charles Lawson | 01/22/2025 (WN) | Jude 1:1-7, 14 | Apparent Contradictions or Misquotes in Scripture Are Generally Shallow Misinterpretations. Rather, a Careful Study of These Confusing Passages Explain Much and Reinforces the Complete Trust We Can Put in What We See in His Preserved Word. A Quick Review, Too, of Examples of Citations of Secular Poets and Philosophers Whose Factual Nuggets Engage the Listener to Lead Them to God's Truth. Caution Against What's Wrong with AI "Christianity." |
Thirsting After God NOT UPLOADED YET |
Charles Lawson | 01/15/2025 (WN) | John 4:14 John 7:37-39 |
Continuing with the Progressive Revelation, Jesus Ties Water to the Holy Spirit (Who Was Not Sent until after Christ Jesus Was Glorified). Consider the Waters That Come Out of the Holy Mount--Lifegiving Waters. "It Is the Spirit That Beareth Witness Because the Spirit Is Truth." |
Transitional Things NOT UPLOADED YET |
Charles Lawson | 01/08/2025 (WN) | Acts 3:19-21 | Sequel to SM Jan. 5 [Problem with the Thief...], We Come to See That the Jewish People Have an Understanding of (Water) Baptism Which Gentiles Do Not. And There Are Other Specifics Where, Because Israel [as a Nation] Rejects Jesus as Her King and Redeemer, the Lord God Enacts a Postponement of His Design That Israel Be Preeminent and "The LORD Also Shall Roar Out of Zion." |
God's Ordering of Time NOT UPLOADED YET |
Charles Lawson | 01/01/2025 (WN) | Deuteronomy 16:1 Exodus 12:2 |
The Jewish Calendar Is a Lunar Calendar, and God Declared Straightway That the Passover Was the Beginning of Time for His People--the Springtime and Bringing Forth of Life. All of the Feast Days That the Lord Ordained Are Accomplished in Seven Months. But the "Saddest Day on the Jewish Calendar" Is Tisha D'Av (the 9th of Av). It is Cited as the Day That [Most of] the Spies Returned with Discouraging News from Scouting Out the Promised Land and Also the Days on Which the First and the Second Temples Were Destroyed. The List of Calamities Grows and Includes Modern Events, Too; and What's to Say That the Lord Won't Use That Date Again. | December 2024 |
There Will Be No Service This Day | 12/25/2024 (WN) | |||
Simeon's Message to Mary -audio mp3- |
Barry McDonald | 12/18/2024 (WN) | Luke 2:25-35 John 19:25 |
Simeon's Prophecies (Well-marked by the Holy Ghost) Spoken to Mary Were Good News, Mysterious News, and Bad News. O, What All She Had to Ponder! And, "Yeah, a Sword Pierced Her Own Soul Also." In Recap, "The Loudest Witness as the Cross of Calvary Was a Standing Mother." |
"Why I Love Him" -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 12/11/2024 (WN) | Luke 2:30 | Preacher Conveys a Few Reasons He Loves Christs Such As: He is Our Savior, He Will Never Forsake or Leave Us, He is Our Counselor, and He Came For Sinners. It is Vital For Us to Pray, Observe, and Listen with Discernment in Our Christian Walk. Preacher Provides an Update on His Health and Asks For Prayers. |
...So Soon Removed from Him -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 12/04/2024 (WN) | Galatians 1:1-5, 6-9 | One Sort of Heretic That Had to Be Dealt With in the Early Churches Were Judaizes Who Tried to Drag the Law into Grace. That Same Idea of Trying to Augment the Finished Work of Jesus Christ, Who Lived a Perfect and Sinless Life and Thereby Established His Own Righteousness (Which Righteousness He Is Made Unto Us), Presents Itself as an Individual's Self-Righteousness--and a Sorry Source of Pride. | November 2024 |
No Service This Evening | 11/27/2024 (WN) | |||
Our Race To Run In Life -audio mp3- |
Tony Hopkins | 11/20/2024 (WN) | Ephesians 6:10 | It's Not Speed That Counts in the Race of the Christian Life, but Finishing It Faithfully. The Pace is Important: First Sitting, Then Walking (as Christ, in Love, Circumspectly), and, Lastly, Standing. |
Watch Out For Deception -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 11/13/2024 (WN) | John 6:70 | Judas' Spiral Down Progresses Until His Spiritual Awakening Realizing He Betrayed the Innocent Blood. Between Gnosticism, Low Christology, and Modern Internet; There is an Overload of Information Available That Has Every Kind of Deviation Set to Cause Doubt and Unbelief in Our God and His Infallible Word. Let Your Trust in the King James Bible Dispel the Tumult of Confusion. |
Hearts of Unbelief -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 11/06/2024 (WN) | Romans 1:11 | The Difference Between An Evil Heart of Unbelief and An Ignorant Heart of Belief; the Role of the Holy Spirit With Regard to the Unpardonable Sin; and, Damage Control Compared to Real Repentance. | October 2024 |
Causes For Confusion -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 10/30/2024 (WN) | Genesis 10:1 | In Today's World There Are Multiple Theories, Notably Comparative Religions and Documentary Hypothesis, That Place Pagan Religious Sources and Culture On Biblical Accounts. There Are Key Periods and Topics of the Bible That Can Unlock Our Bible Study Such as the Times of the Gentiles, the Kingdom of Heaven, and the Kingdom of God. |
The Genealogy of Jesus' Connection to Humanity -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 10/23/2024 (WN) | Matthew 1:6 | Somewhat Unlikely Ancestors of King David (and Jesus) Are Evidence That - by the Grace of God - There's a Place for Everyone at the Cross. Also, Special, Inciteful Readings from Lesser Known Commentators. |
Nuggets from James -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 10/16/2024 (WN) | James 1:1 | Many of James' Stark Instructions Are Misunderstood and, Hence, Controversial. But Solemn Consideration of These Familiar Passages Is Useful and Potent. He Wrote, Ask of God What You Need; Ask in Faith, Not Double Minded; Be a Doer of the Word and Not Just a Hearer; the Tongue--a Dangerous Little Member; Wars and Fightings Among You; Even Elias, a Man with Subject to Like Passions as We Are--His Prayers Were Still Heard. |
If God Be For Us, Who Can Be Against Us? -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 10/09/2024 (WN) | Romans 8:31 | It's Important for Us to Remember, When We Are Experiencing Chastening from the Lord, that He Wants Only Good for Us. If We Error and Are Forgiven, He Never Brings It Up Again. Satan, However, Is Apt to Come Along With Relentless Condemnations. We Are Told, Too, of the Important Distinction Between "Ignorance in Unbelief" and "Evil Heart of Unbelief." |
Bad Things Happen, Not Just 'Cause Folks Are Bad -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 10/02/2024 (WN) | Luke 13:1-5 | Citing and Reconciling Apparent Injustices: Jesus Warns That Heinous Acts Are Not Any More Deserved by the Victims Than by Anyone of Us. Numerous Other Examples of Peculiar Passages That Exemplify the Mind of God Reading a Person's Heart and Patiently Directing Events for Jonah, James, Abraham, Joseph, etc. For Helene's Present Disaster, Let's Not Assign Blame; Rather, Let Us Pray. |
September 2024 |
Finish Your Course -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 09/25/2024 (WN) | Matthew 3:16 | You Have to Live for God When You Are on the Mountain Top and You Have to Live for God in the Valley. It is in the Valley where We Learn Certain Aspects About Ourselves that We Did Not Notice Before. Satan Will Attack You on the Mountain Top and When You Are in the Valley, but We Have to Remember that Our Life is in God's Hands, and We Have to Lean on Christ to Finish Our Course. |
In Likeness of Sinful Flesh -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 09/18/2024 (WN) | Genesis 1:26-27 | Jesus Christ was Made in the Likeness of Sinful Flesh, but He was Perfect. Adam Brought Sin upon Mankind..."as by one man sin entered the world, and death by sin;..." [Romans 5:12] Jesus Christ, who was Conceived by the Holy Ghost, Gave Mankind an Opportunity to Have Everlasting Life. When You Receive the Holy Spirit, You Are Hid in Christ. |
The Church of God in the Times of the Gentiles -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 09/11/2024 (WN) | Daniel 3:1 | The "Times of the Gentiles" is Different from the "Fullness of the Gentiles." And Patriotism is Sometimes Mashed Together with God and Other Elements to Be Its Own Brand of Religion. Be Careful in Promoting Only the True Elements of the Gospel of Christ. And, Mind Also the Scriptures Regarding Good Citizenship. |
Prepared to Judge -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 09/04/2024 (WN) | I Corinthians 6:2-3 | Unlike Angels, Man: (1) Is Made in the Image of God, (2) Has the Capacity to Love, (3) the Ability to Talk Back and Forth with God Through Prayer, and (4) Fellowship with the Father and the Son. Those Who Are Born-Again Will Come Again with Jesus at the Second Advent at the End of the Tribulation, and We Will Reign with Christ For 1,000 Years. | August 2024 |
Charles Lawson | 08/28/2024 (WN) | Ephesians 4:32 | When Sin Goes Out It Can Get to Where It Grows Immensely. The Three Aspects of Sin [Forgiveness of Sin, Taking Away of Sin, and the Cleansing of Sin] Can Only Be Done by the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Without the Forgiveness and Cleansing of Sin We Cannot Be in Fellowship with the Lord Jesus. | |
Charles Lawson | 08/21/2024 (WN) | Matthew 13:55 | Jesus' Own Words Have Given Provocation for Some to be Offended: by His Lack of Formal Education, His Paucity, His Coming from Galilee.... For These Causes, Some Would Reject Him. Light Accepted and Light Rejected is How We Are Accountable to God. | |
Barry McDonald | 08/14/2024 (WN) | On the Believer's Journey to the Promised Land, There Are Stopovers: Shur (Wall); Marah (Bitter Water) [But with a Sweetener Available]; and Elim (an Oasis). |
Charles Lawson | 08/07/2024 (WN) | Genesis 1:26-28 | Early Dispensations (for How God Deals with Mankind) Are Innocence, Conscience, Human Government, the Law and the Prophets.... And Then the Lord Lets It Be Known of Some Occasions When God's People Are Presented with a Choice, and the Direction of Period of History Is Not Fixed--But Rather, Is Conditional in the Mind of God. Also, Some Caveats Regarding Certain Common Misinterpretations. |
July 2024 |
Charles Lawson | 07/31/2024 (WN) | Esther 3:8-11 | The Pogrom Sanctioned by King Ahasuerus in the Time of Esther Was Hardly the First and Certainly Not the Last Attempted Extermination of the Jewish People. If Not Slaughter, Then Enemies Resort to Trying to Change Their Identity (as in Babylon). Evidence of Differing Perspectives and Traditions Also Described by Historian Alfred Edersheim. | |
Charles Lawson | 07/24/2024 (WN) | Mark 15:39-41 | When Looking at What the Crucifixion Accomplished, We Can Consider the Roman Centurion Who Was Drawn by the Cross. When Christ Is Preached, We See the Identity, the Mockery, the Divine Intervention, and the Message of the Cross. Simply Put, Preaching Christ Is "He Died For You." | |
What Each Person of the Godhead Does for Our Redemption |
Charles Lawson | 07/17/2024 (WN) | 1 Timothy 6:15 | It Is the Son to Whom We Can Best Relate Because He Took Human Form. But Here We Look at Specific Functions Performed by the Holy Spirit and at Involvement of God the Father - Always Working Altogether in Unison to Effect Redemption for Mankind. |
Charles Lawson | 07/10/2024 (WN) | Daniel 2:4 | Parts of Daniel Are Written in Aramaic (Which Focuses on God as the Eternal, Universal Ruler Over Mankind) and Parts Are Written in Hebrew (Which Focuses on Israel's Personal Relationship with God). Language Plays an Important Role in the Bible. Mention of the Group Known as the Mandaean Sabians About Their Beliefs and Their Language. Biblical Prophecy [Zechariah 3:9] Speaks of God Returning the World to One Pure Language. | |
Charles Lawson | 07/03/2024 (WN) | I John 5:7 | It Is Important That You Trust Your Bible and That You Understand Why You Can. The Bible Clearly Attests to the Deity of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Saviour. By the Word of God, We Ought to Judge Our Life for Ourselves. Judged by Jesus Christ Are Our Works and the Nations. Quick Overview of Tribulation and Millennial Timeline and Exhortation to Christian Folk to Handle Interpersonal Offenses in a Godly Way. | June 2024 |
Charles Lawson | 06/26/2024 (WN) | I Peter 1:9-12 | Scripture Records That Angels Were Involved in the Giving of the Law and the Old Covenant, But They Are Not Brought In at All with God's New Covenant Which Required the Very Blood of God. Is This Maybe Because Jesus Is Come to Restore the Image of God in Man? And, as a Last-Ditch Effort, What Might Satan Try to Employ (CRISPR-Cas9, AI, Aliens...) to Completely Obliterate the Image of God in Man? | |
Charles Lawson | 06/19/2024 (WN) | John 20:31 | Be Very Wary When Dealing with Apocrypha or Pseudepigraphs or Gnostic Gospels or Any Other Stuff That Would Presume to Supplement or Even Overrule the Cannon of Our Holy Bible. Such Writings Lend Themselves to Confusion, Ecumenism, and the Religion of the Anti-Christ. Rather, Take Heart in the Elemental Truth That If You'll Accept What God Says About You as a Sinner and Call upon His Name--You Shall Be Saved. | |
Charles Lawson | 06/12/2024 (WN) | Job 1:1-3 | There Are Three Levels of God's Confrontation in the Book of Job That Deal With: God Alone; God and Satan; and Mankind. A Major Transformation Takes Place Towards the End of the Book with Job (That Our Heavenly Father Uses with Us as Well) -- He Must Bring Us to the End of Ourselves Before We Can Commune [Pray] with Him. | |
Temptation to Quit -audio mp3- |
Tony Hopkins | 06/05/2024 (WN) | I Kings 19:1-14 | In the Familiar Story of Elijah's Sulking under the Juniper Tree on the Heels of His Soaring Victory, We See A Number of Devices the Devil Used Against Him - and He Would Use Them Against Us Too. | May 2024 |
The Lord Is My Shepherd -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 05/29/2024 (WN) | Psalm 23:1-6 | The Lord Will Force Us to Slow Down and Lead Us Beside the Still Waters. Be Thankful If the Lord Is Your Shepherd as He Supplies Every Need; but, Remember to Give God the Time to Restore Your Soul. It Can Take Time to Regain Joy. |
Prayer Life of the Lord Jesus -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 05/22/2024 (WN) | John 17:5 | The Evidence Is That Only Mankind Prays. Jesus, as a Man Prayed to His Father Continually for Communion and Direction. It's Recorded Three Times That the Father Spoke of Him from Heaven. |
Access to Christ -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 05/15/2024 (WN) | Hebrews 10:34 | Get Your Eyes Off Man and Keep Them on the Saviour. Come Boldly to the Throne of God with Frankness and Confidence. Always Exalt the Son of God. |
David's Record of Repentance -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 05/08/2024 (WN) | Psalm 51:14 | From the Example of David, We Have an Outline of the Process When One Is Convicted of Their Sin: Sorrow, Pain, Grief, Humility, Repentance, Acknowledgment, and (Finally) Restoration. |
Deity of Christ -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 05/01/2024 (WN) | John 1:1-5 | Churches Are Dying as They Preach a False Christ and Lay a Foundation For the Anti-Christ as They Do Not Know Who God Is. Faith, Belief, and Eternal Life Are Themes Throughout the Gospel of John as It Talks About the New Birth and Supports Eternal Life. John Shows That the Salvation of the Sinner's Soul Is Connected with Believing; and Nobody Can Ever Snatch Us from the Father's Hand. | April 2024 |
A Light to the Gentiles -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 04/24/2024 (WN) | Matthew 15:21-28 | As the Jewish People Were the Apple of God's Eye, All Others Were -- In Contrast -- Dogs. But, When Israel Rejects Christ As Their King (Over and Over Again), God Mercifully Blinds Them and Redirects the Gospel of the Grace of God to the Gentiles. |
So He Made It Again -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 04/17/2024 (WN) | Jeremiah 18:1-4 | The Water That Serves As the Medium Between the Potter's Hand and the Clay Represents the Holy Spirit As God Uses the Holy Spirit to Shape Our Life. Looking at the Three People in the Bible: Jacob, Simon Peter, and John Mark: All Faced Spiritual Challenges, But the Lord Simply Made Their Vessel Over Again to His Glory. God Does His Most Powerful Communication When He Is Alone with Us -- When Was the Last Time You Were Alone with God? |
Student of the Bible -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 04/10/2024 (WN) | 2 Timothy 2:15 | A Look at Some Apparent Contradictions Which Can Be Understood by Looking at What Happens In between. These Are Some Things in The New Testament That Have Changed with Progressive Revelation. Consider Also the Things Which Do Not Change. For Many Questions That Are Left Unanswered in Scripture, Extra Biblical Sources Such as Secular Histories and Archeological Finds Offer Suggestions, But Only the Word of God Can Be Absolutely Trusted. |
Sheol vs. Sleep -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 04/03/2024 (WN) | Psalm 6:4-5 | Comparing the Old Testament Saints' Vague and Fearful Notions of Death to the New Testament Saints' Reassuring Reunion with The Lord Jesus Christ. Reminding Us How One Can Have a Bright Perspective of Death by Having a Personal Relationship with the Lord. | March 2024 |
Easter Joy -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 03/27/2024 (WN) | Psalm 34:18 | While Taking Strong Exception to the Assertion That Mardi Gras Is in Any Way a Christian Holiday, We Still Need to Allow for the Length and Depth and Breadth of Different Ways Our Christian Brethren Draw Nigh to the Lord. Having A Proper Attitude of Lowliness Before Almighty God Will Allow Us to Receive from Him Forgiveness, Based Only on What Christ Has Done, and Joy. |
Rock of Ages -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 03/20/2024 (WN) | Deuteronomy 32:4 | Christ is Our Rock, Our Foundation, and He is Everything We Need. We Stand on the Rock, Hide on the Rock, Sing to the Rock, and Drink from the Rock. Christ is Our Well of Water Springing Forth Inside. If Jesus Christ is Number One in Your Life, Everything Will Be in Place and Where It Needs to Be. Man Will Never Bring Peace, Peace Will Come When Christ Returns. |
Four Winds of the Earth -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 03/13/2024 (WN) | Song of Solomon 4:15-16 | The Wind, as a Type of the Holy Spirit, Is Not Unlike the Very Breath of God by Which Man Became a Living Soul. And, God Breathed His Word (Inspired) Both When He Wrote It and When It Is Read. The Winds from the Four Corners of the Earth Are Distinctive: the East, a Cleansing Wind; the North, Purifying; South, Fragrant and Comforting; and the West, Rain. Also, Inspiration from a 16th Century Text and from Joni Eareckson Tada. |
The Character of God -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 03/06/2024 (WN) | Psalm 88:13 | Mere Humans Have Accused God of Deceit and of Treachery and of Just Not Caring. But the Only Way to Live the Victorious Christian Life is to Trust in the Character of God, and so it Behooves Us to Study His Character. Learning About God (and Learning About Ourselves in Contrast) is Best Done in a Valley. | February 2024 |
The Word, Quick and Powerful -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 02/28/2024 (WN) | Matthew 12:31-32 | Man's Love for Easy Things Gives Him a Strong Tendency to Simplify the Word of God. But God's Word Is Alive: It Searches the Heart in a Powerful, Personal Way and Shines Out the Exact Obstacle Keeping You from Accepting Your Need for a Saviour. Also, Preacher's Own Personal Testimony. |
Accent the Positive -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 02/21/2024 (WN) | Jude 23 | The Spirit is Spiritual, the Flesh is Fleshly. And While the Only Power the Christian Has Over His Flesh is Through the Spirit of God. Accessed by Fellowship with the Lord. Therefore, We Are Urged to Let this Mind of Christ Be in Us and to Think on Lovely, Positive Things and to Emulate Paul and Silas Singing Praises to God While in Prison. |
The Remedy For Failure -audio mp3- |
Barry McDonald | 02/14/2024 (WN) | We Cannot Live for the Lord by Sight and Circumstance. Peter Embodied This Lesson As He Repeatedly Moved Out from Failures to Productivity Because the Lord Interceded with Forgiveness, Mercy, and Love. | |
Song of the Believer and Jesus -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 02/07/2024 (WN) | Tracking Closely with John's Writings, the Book of the Song of Solomon Describes Communion and Evangelism and it Alludes to the Tree of Life (Wisdom) and Plenteous Waters (Holy Ghost). | January 2024 |
Spiritual Mysteries -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 01/31/2024 (WN) | Hebrews 4:12 | Looking at Both the Physical and Spiritual Aspects of the Kingdoms of Heaven and of God, and of the Church. Also Examining the Light with Which Jesus Lighteth the Whole World; and What He Says about our Life as Born-Again Believers, Which is in Christ and Hidden in God. |
Communion with God -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 01/24/2024 (WN) |
Supremely Practical Message about Real Communion, The True Essence of Prayer. Critical Information: Satan Cannot Read Your Mind or Know Your Heart. God the Holy Spirit Can Commune for Us with God the Father in A Way That Totally Excludes Any Evil Spirit from Overhearing. So, To Live the Christian Life You Must Commune with God. | |
No Service due to snow |
01/17/2024 (WN) |
Charles Lawson | 01/10/2024 (WN) | Daniel 7:13 Revelation 1:13 |
As The Son of Man Is How Jesus Relates to Mankind and to His Church and (in Weakness) to His Death on the Cross; But That He Is Also Fully God (Not Simply A Son of Man) Is an Essential Element of the Mystery of the Godhead and Qualifies Him to Judge. And the Holy Ghost by Whose Power Jesus Worked All the Miracles He Performed Quickens Us Who Are Born Again, So That We Cannot Die Until He Departs Our Body and Carries Our Soul With Him. | |
Charles Lawson | 01/03/2024 (WN) | Mark 2:17 | If You're Trying to Simply Address the Sins in Your Life, You're Missing the Source of the Sin. The Worst Sins (Lack of Trust, of Patience, of Belief, Submission, Fellowship...) Have to Do with Your Relationship with God. | December 2023 |
Tony Hopkins | 12/27/2023 (WN) | John 6:1-13 | At the Beginning of the Fourth Miracle Recorded in John Was a Proving; Then There Was a Pattern.... It Must Always Start with a Breaking. Only After We Are Broken Can We Be United in the Lord and Empowered. |
Lucas Hickman | 12/20/2023 (WN) | Lamentations 3:19-22 | We All Put Up a Facade When in the Public View of Others That We Are Happy When, Deep Inside, We Are Broken. Going Through the Storms of Life, We Must Recall That Only the Lord Jesus Christ Is Our Hope. Job Sets a Great Example as, Despite Many Wordly-Issues, He Stayed Faithful as a God-Fearing Man That Knew His Lord Would Bring Him Through. | |
Charles Lawson | 12/13/2023 (WN) | Matthew 1:18-25 | Certain Men Reject the Scripture's Plain Assertion That Jesus' Birth Was Miraculous. They Say It Makes Christ More Relatable, and It Lends Credence to Legends Regarding as the Priory of Sion and the French Royal Bloodline. But, IF That Were So, What Is Forfeited? The Antichrist Indistinguishable from Christ; and Jesus as the Unblemished Lamb of God, and Qualified to Sit on David's Throne. | |
Ronnie Crain | 12/06/2023 (WN) | Jonah 1:1-9 | When God Told Jonah to Rise and Go; Jonah Disobeyed and Went the Opposite Way. We All Have a Relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and If We Are Not Walking with Him It Is No One's Fault But Our Own. | November 2023 |
Barry McDonald | 11/29/2023 (WN) | John 19:1-5 | Pilate, Scouging Jesus But "Find[ing] No Fault in Him," Presented Him to the Crowd with the Words, "Behold the Man." And So, We Look, Beginning at His Birth and Skimming High Spots--at Age 12, at 30, in the Storm.... Behold Him as the Friend of Sinners, and Behold Him at the Cross. Coming to Church, If Hearts Are Pure, Our Only Desire Should Be to "Behold the Man"--Our Lord Jesus Christ. | |
No Live Broadcast Instead, a Rebroadcast of |
Charles Lawson | 11/22/2023 (WN) | Jeremiah 9:23-24 | In order to "love not the world" and to "know and understand God" we need a direct encounter with Him |
Charles Lawson | 11/15/2023 (WN) | I Corinthians 2:10 | Initially, a Note Regarding the Mysterious Marvel of Breath and Breathing. Then, Touching on: Unspeakable Gift, Joy Unspeakable, [God's] Ways Past Finding Out, Peace of God, Unlawful Words, Groanings Which Cannot Be Uttered, and the Spirit Searching All Things. | |
Charles Lawson | 11/08/2023 (WN) | Ezekiel 34:1-2 | Recognizing the Difference in the Roles of Deacons and Elders. Elders, Being Ordained Ministers, Are Set Apart and Hold Accountability For Souls. Looking At Some Characteristics of Sheep From Why! the Shepherd by Godfrey Bowen, and We As Sheep Need Our Undershepherd and Our Chief Shepherd. | |
Charles Lawson | 11/01/2023 (WN) | Matthew 24:14 | The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven (a Physical, Visible Kingdom on Earth) Was Preached All Through Matthew Through Luke Until the Jews Absolutely Rejected Jesus, Their King. So Then the Message of Salvation Is Directed Primarily to the Gentiles; and Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles, Expounds Essential Doctrines and Mysteries, Bridging God's Eternal Plan of Redemption from Old Testament to New. | October 2023 |
Charles Lawson | 10/25/2023 (WN) | Ephesians 2:1-5 | The Passage Deals With the State In Which God Found Us. We All Have a Spirit Directing Us; Either the Spirit of the World or the Holy Spirit. | |
Charles Lawson | 10/18/2023 (WN) | Genesis 4:10 | Abel's Blood Cried Out; Judas' Blood Speaks. Exodus Says the Blood is a Token. Important Part Is That Jesus' Blood Actively, Continually Cleanses Us From All Sin So That God Sees Only the Blood and Not Anything of the Sin. | |
Charles Lawson | 10/11/2023 (WN) | II Thessalonians 2:1-4 | Mount Moriah Has a Vast Array of Muslims Who View It As Holy Ground Which Currently Prohibits the Jews From Building the Third Temple. Connecting the Dots on the New Friendship Between Russia and Iran and What That Could Mean In Relation to God's Word. Before the Jews Are Able to Erect the Third Temple There Must Be a Sense of Peace From Their Neighbors in the Middle East. | |
Charles Lawson | 10/04/2023 (WN) | Talk About Deacons--How Well Good Deacons Could Serve a Church; and Talk About Elders and Those That Have the Rule Over Us. Appeal to All Members to Pray Regarding the Appointment of Suitable, Anointed Leaders That Would Be a Further Benefit to This Assembly. | September 2023 |
Charles Lawson | 09/27/2023 (WN) | I John 1:3 | Our Relationship with the Lord Is Constantly Progressing. We Can Be in Fellowship with the Father and the Son; but Once the Act of Sin is Committed We Need an Intercessor to Bring Us Back. When Sin Is Open and Unrepented and the Holy Spirit Is No Longer Convicting, Then the Enforcer Steps In and Brings Death. | |
Charles Lawson | 09/20/2023 (WN) | Acts 6:1-6 | A Look at the Origin and the Function of Select Ministers (Servants) within the Church: Deacons and Elders and Bishops. For Any One of Them to be Qualified, Integrity Is a Must; Similarly, to Truly Be Effective, the Holy Spirit Within Is Everything. | |
Charles Lawson | 09/13/2023 (WN) | I Peter 2:1-9 | Jesus Is the Smitten Stone, the Set Stone, and the Stumbling Stone. In Judgment, He Is the Stone That Does the Smiting; and Moreover, He Is the Sure Stone, the Corner Stone, the Living Stone--a Spiritual Stone. | |
Charles Lawson | 09/6/2023 (WN) | Mark 9:7 | ...Because Christ Lives in Us. Christ Jesus Is the Apostle of Our Faith, the Captain of Our Salvation, the Prince of Life. He Authored, Designed, Every Last Detail of Life on Earth and Life Eternal. On Top of That, He Gives Gifts to Men (for the Benefit of His Church). | August 2023 |
Lucas Hickman | 08/30/2023 (WN) | Ephesians 4:30 | The Ways We Can Grieve the Holy Spirit is By Losing Our Consciousness, Loving Our Flesh, and By Our Lying Tongue. The Holy Spirit Must Dwell Inside of Us to Gain the Power to Make a Difference in This World. Immerse Yourself in Jesus and Ask Yourself, What Are You Willing to Give Up to Get That Power? | |
Charles Lawson | 08/23/2023 (WN) | Song of Solomon 5:16 | Select Passages of Scripture That Describe the Qualities Our Lord Jesus Christ and Detail His Accomplishments While Amongst Us and Set Forth the Marvels and Delights of His Merciful Kindness toward Us | |
Charles Lawson | 08/16/2023 (WN) | Psalm 51:11 | David Cries Out to the Lord in a Time of Great Trial to Not Take His Holy Spirit from Him. In this Age of Grace, We Are Born Again of God and His Holy Spirit is His Seal Upon Us as the Earnest of Our Inheritance. God's Word Will Give Us Truth: Either We Can Accept It or It Will Judge Our Motive. | |
Charles Lawson | 08/09/2023 (WN) | II Chronicles 3:1 | The History between the Israelites and the Jebusites; and the Long History Surrounding the Location of the Temple Mount -- Mount Moriah: Where God Sees and Can Be Seen, and Where There Was a Threshing Floor.... Preacher Mentions His "Back Porch Experience" in the Wake of His 2000 Trip to Israel. |
Tom Berry | 08/02/2023 (WN) | James 4:13-14 | The Question Posed by James Draws Us to Reflect Upon How Short Life Truly Is and the Value We Place on What We Spend Our Time. This World Is Full of Darkness, but by the Power of God We Can Punch Holes into That Darkness.. How Many Other Lives Have We Touched by Showing Them the Light and Love of Christ? | July 2023 |
Charles Lawson | 07/26/2023 (WN) | II Chronicles 36:22-23 | Cyrus King of Persia Was Used Mightily of the Lord to Rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple and to Release God's People from Captivity. It Was Foretold in Scripture, Which Is What Convinced Cyrus to Do So. Comparing the Type (Cyrus) and the Anti-type (Christ Jesus); Quick Study of Anointing; and Secular Corroboration of the Biblical Account of Cyrus' Achievements for the Babylonian Jews. | |
David Pressley | 07/19/2023 (WN) | Jude 1:3-5 | Those Who Have Crept in Unaware Have Caused Different Types of Progressive Churches in Today's Society; Leading to More and More People Dying with Religion but Not with the Spirit of God. Having the Spirit Inside We Must Not Be a Dormant Christian and Instead Step Up and Witness to Others. | |
Don't Give Up What You Have for What Your Flesh Wants |
Lucas Hickman | 07/12/2023 (WN) | Three Scriptural Examples of People Who Gave Up What They Had (Innocence, Power of God, Purity-Posterity) for Something That Their Flesh Wanted. Why Does This Happen? Because They Walk the Gray Line Instead of Keeping Things Black and White, Yes and No. Quit Flirting with the Devil! | |
Charles Lawson | 07/05/2023 (WN) | Psalm 139:1-4 | During David's Testimony, He Goes Through How God is Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient. The Conclusion David Draws is For God to Search His Heart and to Let Him Know Any Wickedness That May Dwell Inside. In Psalm 139, David Was Seeking Fellowship with the Lord, the Same as Described in I John 1 "Walking in the Light." | June 2023 |
Charles Lawson | 06/28/2023 (WN) | I Timothy 3:6 | Warned About Falling Into the Condemnation of the Devil Who Can Transform Himself into an Angel of Light. A Deeper Look at The Blood of Christ, Cleansing Us from Sin, and The Soul of Christ (the Perfecting of the God-Man: Being Tried by Fire and Coming Forth as Gold) Saving Us From Inside Out and Ever Making Intercession for Us. | |
Charles Lawson | 06/21/2023 (WN) | I Timothy 2:13-14 | Astounding Parallels Between Eve and the Church, and Simple Explanation of How Our Sinless Saviour Could Be Born of a Sinful Woman. Victory over Sin Comes Not by Addressing It Directly, But by Fellowship and Communion with Our Lord Jesus Christ Who Only Can Cleanse Us from Our Sins. The Ultimate Sin Is a Direct Sin Against God--It Is the Faith of a Fool. |
Charles Lawson | 06/14/2023 (WN) | Genesis 1:26-28 | To Answer the Question, Where Does Your Soul Come From? And, How Do Men and Women Relate to God? We Wade into Many Varied Topics Such as the Man Being Made in the Image of God; Woman Being Made from the Man and Not Herself Directly from the Earth; the Seed of Jesus Christ; the Notion of Total Depravity; Original Sin; Christ Jesus' Incarnation.... And Must Conclude That You Are What You Are for Your Own Choices. Your Soul Is in the Balance. Will Not the Judge of the Whole Earth Do Right? | |
Charles Lawson | 06/07/2023 (WN) | Song of Solomon 5:2-6 | In the Book of Song of Solomon You Will Not Find the Words God, Sin or Spirit; but God Himself Is in it. Our Beloved Jesus Will Never Rebuke Us As There is No Getting Closer to God Than True Love. Only God Knows the Depths of Our Soul as the Constant Presence of Sin in This Flesh is Continually Cleansed if We Walk in the Light As He is in the Light (I John 1:7). | May 2023 |
Charles Lawson | 05/31/2023 (WN) | Song of Solomon 4:12 | The Garden of God Is a Sealed Garden. His Love Is in the Garden; Satan Is Excluded. Spoken Words of Love Tell of Her Beauty in His Eyes. Myrrh Is a Potent, Pervasive Connection Between His Love and Her Beloved. Instruction to Us on Loving Our Lord God and Saviour. | |
Charles Lawson | 05/24/2023 (WN) | Song of Solomon 4:15-16 | The Typology of Wind and Water Show Their Importance in the Bible. The Fountain Represents God the Father, the Well is God the Son, and the River is God the Spirit. Wind and Water Have a Spiritual Union in the Garden as the Water is the Source of Life and the Wind Moves in Our Heart. We Each Have a Reason that God Called Us to be Members of His Family, and We Need to Keep Moving in Him Like a River. | |
Charles Lawson | 05/17/2023 (WN) | Romans 8:1-2 | Romans Chapter 8 Is About the Fruit (the Reward) of the Atonement. It Would Be Fellowship with the Father for Those in Christ Who Walk after the Spirit, Not After the Flesh. And How Can We Do That, to Know or Change Our Own Heart Except That the Holy Spirit Sent by Christ Jesus Indwells and Instructs Us, and He Communicates with the Father, Interceding and Groaning on Our Behalf. | |
Charles Lawson | 05/10/2023 (WN) | Philippians 1:21 | Continuation on the Hebrew Roots Movement Which Seeks to Attack From Inside the Christian Church That is Left Vulnerable Due to Ignorance. The Apostle Paul Understood the Essence of Sin and That "in the Flesh Dwelleth No Good Thing"; and When You Live in the Flesh You Live in Deception. Reading of Testimonies From People Who Have Gotten Out of the Hebrew Roots Movement. Early Church's Response to HRM in Acts 15:7-11. | |
Charles Lawson | 05/03/2023 (WN) | Genesis 28:10-18 Hebrews 4:1-11 |
The Upcoming Coronation of Charles III and the Tradition of the Stone of Scone Provide a Springboard into History and the Mix of Religion into Politics. The Scriptural Gives God's Perspective That in Christ There Is Neither Jew Nor Greek, Bond Nor Free, But All Are One--One Body (the One Church) of Christ. | April 2023 |
Charles Lawson | 04/26/2023 (WN) | Genesis 2:8-9 | Two Trees Were in the Garden of Eden: the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Tree of Life Shows Up Again in the Book of Revelation. When Satan Tricked Eve, He Told the Truth About the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, but Then He Tacked On a Lie, and So She Was Deceived. That Is the Pattern For Deception On Into the Tribulation. | |
Charles Lawson | 04/19/2023 (WN) | John 1:1-14 | With Jesus Incarnation Light is Coming to the World. Those Who Reject the Light Are Left to Walk in Complete Darkness. Those That Did Not Want to Retain God in Their Knowledge Are Given Over to a Reprobate Mind. On the Very Sensitive Topic of Eternal Security, it is Very Important to Understand That a Result of Our New Birth in Christ Jesus Which is Particular to This Age of Grace. A Quick Introduction to Revolutionary AI. | |
Charles Lawson | 04/12/2023 (WN) | II Kings 1:10 Luke 9:44-56 |
Contrast the Law with Grace and Truth, and Remember This: Grace and Truth Is Come by Jesus Christ. Such Compassion, Such Grace, Jesus Showed So Patiently, Tirelessly, to Crowds and to Individuals When He Walked Among Us and He Is Still the Answer Now. Christians Are Notably "People of the Book" and "People of the Person of Christ Jesus." Two Particular Pleas for Prayer Coming from the British Isles. | |
Charles Lawson | 04/05/2023 (WN) | Satan is a Spirit Being, and He Can Take On Many Forms Such As the Serpent Who Deceived Eve, the One Fallen From Heaven, and the Anointed Cherub Who Covers. Satan's Animosity with Man is a Major Theme in the Bible as He Wants to Destroy the Image of God in Man. The Curse of Sin Affects All of Creation and Every Living Creature. There Are Many Questions With No Easy Answers, but This We Are Assured, His Blood Still Lives to Cleanse Us of Our Sin. | March 2023 |
Charles Lawson | 03/29/2023 (WN) | Comparing Two Passages of Scripture Which Would Seem to be Mutually Incongruous and, with Insight Provided from Older Commentators (to wit, Johann Bengel and Meyer), Come to a Keener Knowledge of the Greatness of Our God and Saviour. A Sampling of Some Other Verses Which Warrant Probing. | ||
Charles Lawson | 03/22/2023 (WN) | Matthew 11:29 | Jesus Was the Consummate Servant of the Lord. He Divested Himself of His Knowledge to Learn by Tutelage of the Holy Spirit, Even as We Learn. A Smattering of the Absolute Interworking Among the Godhead. Mention of the Greater Motive the Believer Has for Obeying God's Commandments. | |
Charles Lawson | 03/15/2023 (WN) | Matthew 10:4 | Judas Iscariot Had the Privilege of Being One of the 12 Disciples; He Was Used to Fulfil Prophecy. Judas Was Handpicked By God, Yet Became a Type of the Antichrist Which Should Serve Warning That We May Be Looking in the Wrong Place For the Antichrist Which Can Come From the "Church." Also, Emails That Give Us a Sampling of Testimonies of the Longsuffering and Grace of Our Saviour. | |
Charles Lawson | 03/08/2023 (WN) | Hebrews 7:1-4 | Quite Thorough, Well-Laid Path, Starts with Melchisedec, King of Salem. Salem Was Situated on Mount Moriah and Then Became the Site of the Threshing Floor of Araunah the Jebusite. Winds Up After God Has Created a New Heaven and a New Earth and John and We Are Shown "the Bride, the Lamb's Wife" -- New Jerusalem. | |
Charles Lawson | 03/01/2023 (WN) | John 1:29 | Contrast Theology of the Old Testament with Theology of the New Testament, and Parsing the Difference Between Blaspheming Christ Jesus [Forgivable] and Blaspheming the Holy Ghost [Not Forgivable]. A Sampling of Others Beliefs, Such as: "Babies Go to Hell"; "Five Pretty Good Reasons to Be an Atheist," "How I Lost My Faith" and "What to Do When You Lose Your Faith." Finally, the Q&A--From What Did God Save You When He Saved Your Soul? | February 2023 |
Charles Lawson | 02/22/2023 (WN) | This Psalm Is a Rare Old Testament Passage That Lays the Foundation For Coming to Christ and Shows Elements of Repentance. Only God Can Truly Search Our Hearts and Fully Understand as Our Hearts Can Be: Wicked, Rebellious, Blinded, or Ignorant. Overview of Different Types of Christs and Anti-Christs in the Bible With a Focus on Solomon Who Started Well But Later Hardened His Heart and Turned From God. That So, the Man of Sin Could Come From the Professing Christian Church. | ||
Charles Lawson | 02/15/2023 (WN) | The Book of I John Establishes the Foundational Principle of Man's Conflicting Two Natures. Being Born of God Means the Holy Spirit Resides in Us. Because God's Spirit Cannot Sin, a Constant Conflict Exists Between the Mind and the Body of the Believer as Spirit and Flesh Fight Against Each Other for Control. This Book is Written for Believers to Establish That Salvation Is Eternal. Eternal Life Cannot Be Lost Once God Is Accepted into the Heart of a Believer. | ||
Charles Lawson | 02/08/2023 (WN) | Looking At the Differences in Living Under the Law of the Old Testament and in the Current Age of Grace That Started in the New Testament, With Notable Attention to the Man Picking Up Sticks on the Sabbath and How He Was Punished Under the Law. When Going Back and Forth in Reading God's Word, It Is Important to Ask: Who Is He Talking To, When Did He Say It, and What Is the Context? We Must Pray Over His Word and Seek Wisdom by Asking God. | ||
Charles Lawson | 02/01/2023 (WN) | John 15:1 | The Passage Starts Off with the Last of the Seven "I Am" Statements From Christ Saying He Is the True Vine, Which Brings on Comparisons of Jesus and Moses and Also of the First and Last Adam. Overview of the Meaning of John Chapter 15 and the Book of First John: Both Written for Christians Dealing with Fellowship in Christ. | January 2023 |
Charles Lawson | 01/25/2023 (WN) | Colossians 1:13-18 | A Rich Nugget of Christology in Our Reference Text, Saying Who Christ Is as the Deliverer, Redeemer, Forgiver, and the Creator. The Message is Capped Off with a Short List of Evidences in a Local Church as to Whether Christ Jesus Has the Preeminence There. | |
Charles Lawson | 01/18/2023 (WN) | Philippians 1:21 | Of All the Varied Reasons People Use to Give Purpose to Their Life, Nothing Succors or Completes or Outlasts Loving the Lord Jesus Christ and Focusing Upon Him. A Beginning Sense of What It Means: the Life of God In Us. And, Knowing for Yourself What You Believe, Why You Believe It, and Holding to It Unless There's a Real Good Reason. The Jehovah/Yahweh Rationales a Case in Point. | |
David Pressley | 01/11/2023 (WN) | Acts 26:13-18 | Even Before the Lot of Vicious, Incestuous Politicians, Paul Showed Courtesy and Capability and Obedience in Telling His Personal Testimony and the Plan of Salvation That the Lord Jesus Has for Every One. | |
Charles Lawson | 01/04/2023 (WN) | The Samaritans--Their Origin, the Hatred Toward Them, the Separation from Them. Then! In Due Time, Jesus Reaches Out to Them Particularly and Featured Samaritan People in Various Familiar Teachings. | December 2022 |
Charles Lawson | 12/28/2022 (WN) | Psalm 82:1-8 | Deeper Consideration of Things Spiritual as Spoken of in Scripture | |
Caleb Wilson | 12/21/2022 (WN) | Matthew 9:9, 12 | "God Had One Son and He Made Him a Preacher." In Fact, Jesus Would Make All of His Born-Again Children to Be Preachers--Distinctly Preaching a Different Message Than What They Once Did. Then, to Be Growing and Maturing as a Preacher. Look in Scripture at Two Particular Preachers: Stephen and Phillip--Two Different Ways God Uses His Preachers. | |
Charles Lawson | 12/14/2022 (WN) | Matthew 2:1-3 | They Are Much to be Commended: Strangers from Afar, Seeking Out a Foreign King. The Bible Never Says How They Knew What to Look For or When, But Preacher Brings Together: Prophecies Reasonably Available to Magi of Babylon; the Pervading Jewish Mindset Toward the Messiah They Expect; and the Overriding Biblical Truth That God Himself Orchestrates Every Dispensation in Succession. | |
Charles Lawson | 12/07/2022 (WN) | Matthew 2:1-6 | Aside of the Evidence When Jesus Lives in Our Hearts, Ample Cultural and Historical Accounts Exist Such as from First Century Roman Historian Tacitus and a Flavius Josephus' Antiquities of the Jew. Studying and Comparing Scripture with Scripture Reveals Even More--Layers of Prophecies, Subtle Proclamations of Christ's Deity, and Useful Clues to Such as the Magi Who Followed the Light They Were Given. | November 2022 |
Title | Preacher | Date | Scripture | Subject |
Charles Lawson | 11/30/2022 (WN) | Genesis 13:10 | Drawing from Multiple Scripture Texts, a Mural Featuring the Jordan River--the Descender, a Picture of Death--Starts at Mount Hermon and Ends at the Dead Sea. And an Individual and Personal Challenge Is Given to Every Believer--Be Like the Sea of Galilee, Not Like the Dead Sea. | |
Charles Lawson | 11/23/2022 (WN) | II Peter 1:8 | Preacher Tells of Landmarks All Over Town with Great Personal Significance to Him. And He Tells of Time Before He Knew the Lord and the Blessedness He Has Come to Enjoy Since. Members of the Congregation Are Invited to Give Their Testimonies As Well. | |
Charles Lawson | 11/16/2022 (WN) | Galatians 6:1-3 | When Our Brothers and Sisters in Christ Fall Prey to Satan's Temptation, We Need to Help With Restoring Their Fellowship With God. The Lord Should Constantly be on our Mind as We Continually Seek Him Out and Stay in Fellowship With God. Quotation of Kenneth Wuest About the Cleansing by Jesus' Blood With Fellowship. | |
Charles Lawson | 11/09/2022 (WN) | The Bible Is Unlike Any Other Book Because It's a Book of Prophecy. And Detail After Detail Regarding the Crucifixion of Our Lord Was Precisely and Purposely a Fulfillment of Scripture--Pointedly Certain Psalms. | ||
Charles Lawson | 11/02/2022 (WN) | Jude 1:1-4 | What Makes Us Brethren in Christ? How Do the Tenets of Our Faith Compare to, Say, Constantine's? How Woefully Jude's Warnings Resound. | October 2022 |
Charles Lawson | 10/26/2022 (WN) | Luke 9:27-31 | Scrutinizing the Event on the Mount of Transfiguration Witnessed by Peter, James, and John. What It Tells Us About Life After Death, Signs of the End Times, and Two Important Pillars of Interpreting Scripture. | |
Charles Lawson | 10/19/2022 (WN) | I John 1:8-10 | Confessing Your Sins to God, Agreeing With Him--That Brings Fellowship. Saying You Have No Sin Is Calling God a Liar! More Details on Sin and Liars and Birthmarks (Indicators of the New Birth), and Delving Into "the Sin Unto Death." | |
Charles Lawson | 10/12/2022 (WN) | Exodus 6:6 | Jesus Can Certainly Be Seen in the Old Testament, the New Testament, and in Revelation; and the Degree of Revelation Is Different in Each--Yet Altogether Cohesive Throughout. So God's Deliverance and Promises to His People Enslaved in Egypt Are Very Much Like the Redemption and Fellowship and Hope He Gives Us in This Age. | |
Charles Lawson | 10/05/2022 (WN) | John 8:58 | Progression in the Scriptures [and Notably in the Books Penned by John the Baptist] Goes From (1) Getting You Saved to (2) Knowing You're Saved and Then to (3) What [You] Will Be Forever. Homing In the Purpose for Which God Made Us and the Advocate We Have Who Answers for Our Sins. | September 2022 |
Josh Crabtree | 09/28/2022 (WN) | I Peter 5:5-11 | Peter Warns of the Devil's Persistence and Gives Us Instruction on Countering Him; Repeat of Paul Harvey's Classic, "If I Were the Devil"; and a Brief Outline of the Devil's Favorite Strategies: Diversions, Discouragement, and Distractions (and How to Withstand ). | |
Charles Lawson | 09/21/2022 (WN) | II Samuel 23:8 | David Was Beloved by God and Had the Throne Established For Him. As King, David Had His Mighty Men; He Had His Enemies; and He Had His Friends. A Real Friend Will Be a Friend with Only Good Will Toward You Regardless of Obstacles or Offenses. Jesus Is Such a Friend. | |
Charles Lawson | 09/14/2022 (WN) | I Samuel 1:1-3 | Dedicated to God Before His Conception, Samuel Was Chosen and Called and Anointed of God for Remarkable Purposes. He Never Slacked nor Shirked nor Slipped Away. "The Gifts and Callings of God [toward us] Are Without Repentance." Lord, Please Let Us Remain Faithful in Your Service. | |
Charles Lawson | 09/07/2022 (WN) | Judges 19:1 | The Atrocity Perpetrated in the Benjamite Town of Gibeah Speaks Still of Times When "Everybody Did That Which Was Right in His Own Eyes." Dissected, Too, Is the Distinction Between Sin and Sins and the Eternally Fatal Sin of Unbelief. | August 2022 |
Ronnie Crain | 08/31/2022 (WN) | Deuteronomy 6:4-5 | Do We Indeed Love the Lord Our God With All Our Heart and With All Our Soul and With All Our Mind? How Do We Pray? What Type of Fellowship Do We Enjoy With the Lord? Love Him All the Way - Every Day. We Are the Problem - Not the Lord. | |
Charles Lawson | 08/24/2022 (WN) | Jeremiah 9:23-24 | What God Reveals of Himself Is Sometimes Difficult to Take In and Appreciate, But Even to Pagan Kings (Nebuchadnezzar and Cyrus) He Revealed That: He Alone Is God, He Is Absolutely Sovereign, and He Will Perform What He Purposes. O, Be Mindful of the Decisions You Make Because--Even Though We Live in a Temporal World, Our Decisions Are for Eternity. | |
Charles Lawson | 08/17/2022 (WN) | Acts 7:57-58 | From Saul's Beginnings as a Zealot in the Jews' Religion to the Culmination of Paul's Ministry as the Apostle to the Gentiles--Lines Connecting What He Went Through and What He Preached. | |
Charles Lawson | 08/10/2022 (WN) | I Corinthians 15:1-8 | The Cross is Crucial to the Gospel of the Grace of God. A Born-Again Child of God Can Still Live His Life Stumbling in Darkness. But God Means for Us to Walk in the Light of His Fellowship. Man Was Given Life by the Very Breath of God. | |
Charles Lawson | 08/03/2022 (WN) | Hosea 11:1 | Double Application of Hosea's Prophecy Has Been Seen Already: When God's Son Israel Was Brought Out of Egypt and Again in Matthew When God's Son Jesus Christ Was Brought Out of Egypt After the Death of Herod. There's a Third Time That's Yet to Be--Described in the Book of Revelation. | July 2022 |
Charles Lawson | 07/27/2022 (WN) | John 1:38 | Instances in Scripture Where Jesus Speaks Directly, Pointedly to Given Individuals: "What Seek Ye?"; "Ye Must Be Born Again"; "If Thou Knewest the Gift of God"; "Dost Thou Believe in the Son of God?"; "Lazarus, Come Forth"; "One of You Shall Betray Me"; "Mary"; "Come and Dine." | |
Charles Lawson | 07/20/2022 (WN) | Hebrews 4:12 | Ask Ourselves Three Questions Concerning the Word of God. Then, Know: the Holy Spirit Operates on Us - the Word of God Pierces, Divides the Animal Nature from the Spiritual Man; and It Discerns (Critiques) our Thoughts and Intents. | |
Charles Lawson | 07/13/2022 (WN) | The Apostle Paul Saw Himself as the Chiefest of Sinners. Throughout The Bible We See Numerous Examples of Different Type of Sinners Such As the Religious Sinner, the Hard-Working Sinner, the Desperate Sinner, the Humiliated Sinner, and the Awakened Sinner. When We Sin (and In This Flesh We Will Sin), If We Confess it to God His Word Says He is Faithful and Just to Forgive Us. | ||
Charles Lawson | 07/06/2022 (WN) | A Prime Example of Misinterpreting the Word of God Is Given in Our Reference Texts. Learning to Rightly Divide the Word of God Is a Protracted, Lifelong, But Worthy Pursuit. Ultimately, It Is the Answer to Every One of the Perceived Contradictions in Our Perfect Holy Bible. | June 2022 |
Charles Lawson | 06/29/2022 (WN) | Psalm 92:12 | A Look Into the Meaning of Palm Trees and the Similarities We Can Draw Between Them and Us as Christians. We Are Told to Be Upright Like a Palm Tree and to Grow From the Inside, We Do that by Trusting God and Keeping His Word in our Hearts. | |
Charles Lawson | 06/22/2022 (WN) | Revelation 11 | The Two Witnesses and Their Ministry to The Lamb of God. | |
Charles Lawson | 06/15/2022 (WN) | John 19:31 | Looking at the Cross, We Find That It is the Center Point of Everything. Marveling Again at Each Detail of Christ's Crucifixion and Resurrection and of the Salvation That He Bought for Us. | |
Caleb Wilson | 06/08/2022 (WN) | Nahum 1:1-2 | Look at What the Conditions Were for Manasseh and for Nineveh that Finally Provoked God to Judgment; and O! the Warnings Then (So Applicable Now) of Nations and People Marked by Wicked Counselors, Wicked Deeds, Wicked Offspring; and Societies Where the Children Are the Oppressors and Women Rule Over Them. Note That Judgment Is Not Necessarily Just a Punishment But Can Also Serve as Instruction. | |
Tom Berry | 06/01/2022 (WN) | Hebrews 9:12 | Report on His Recent Trip to Haiti: New Improvements at the Children's Home; How God Works in Building the School and the Church and Furthering of the Gospel. Reminders, Too, That More Than Ever It Is the Season to Stand for The Lord, Stay Prayed Up, and to Get Done What Needs to be Gotten Done Because the Time Is Short. | |
May 2022 |
Charles Lawson | 05/25/2022 (WN) | Ruth 1:1-5 | Ruth Is a Bridge Between Judges and Kings (Indeed, She Became the Great-grandmother of David the King), and Her Story Is an Expression of the Grace of God and the Sovereignty of God in That the Wayward Will of Man Will Never Foil His Objective. | |
Charles Lawson | 05/18/2022 (WN) | Luke 17:18 | A Discovery of the Curse Tablet on Mt Ebal Showed the Name of God in Ancient Hebrew Text, Solidifying What The Bible Says. Samaritans Have A Limited Understanding but That Does Not Stop God From Using Them to Serve His Purpose in the New Testament. He Will Receive You If You Come. | |
Charles Lawson | 05/11/2022 (WN) | I John 2:20 | Great Britain Proudly Displays Their Christian Influence in Their Flag and the Coronation Stone. From This Background They Go On to Spread the Gospel and Conquer For Their Manifest Destiny: They Are Kingdom Builders. A Person's Eschatology Will Determine Their World View Which in Turn Frames Their Course of Action. | |
Charles Lawson | 05/04/2022 (WN) | Genesis 1:26 | God Made Man in His Own Image and Made Him to Have Dominion Over the Rest of Creation. In This Temporal World, Our Breath Is in Our Nostrils; But for All Eternity--Our Life Will Be the Life of God When We Leave This World. | |
April 2022 |
Charles Lawson | 04/27/2022 (WN) | Romans 14:12-13 | We As Christians Need to Be Witnesses For God's Word, But Not All In The Same Way. Everyone Has A Personal Gift From God, Your Reason For Being Alive. Discussing the Judgement Seat of Christ and the Marriage Separated Lamb. | |
Charles Lawson | 04/20/2022 (WN) | Matthew 10:5 John 4:4 |
In These Two Verses, We See How the Bible Can Send Messages to Different People At Different Times. We See a Samaritan Woman At Jacob's Well Being Asked a Significant Question. This Location Has a Plethora of Importance Throughout the Bible. God Has Always Come From the East to West, and Departed West to East. | |
Your Adversary the Devil, A Roaring Lion |
Charles Lawson | 04/13/2022 (WN) | John 10:10 | Understand: Satan Is Not Afraid of Us. He Was Created Pretty Well Advanced in the Angelic Rankings. More Details in How He Seeks to Ruin Men's Souls. Also, a Sampling of the Hebrew Vocabulary for Lion, the Better to Appreciate the Range of Scriptures that Speak of Lions. |
Charles Lawson | 04/06/2022 (WN) | Nehemiah 2:17 | God Put it In the Hearts of Nehemiah, Zerubabel, and Ezra to Restore the Walls of Jerusalem, the Temple, and the Priesthood. They Met Much Opposition but Prevailed Because it Was Accomplished "Not By Might Nor By Power But By My Spirit, Saith the Lord." God Builds His Church in the Same Way. On the Horizon, the Temple Will Be Restored Again - Twice! | |
March 2022 |
Charles Lawson | 03/30/2022 (WN) | Revelation 13:13-18 | We Cannot Teach or Preach What is Right in Our Own Eyes. We Have to Search the Scriptures for Truth. Receiving the COVID Vaccinations Are Not the Mark of the Beast. If You are Born Again by the Spirit of God, You Cannot Lose Your Salvation! This and the Flat Earth Doctrine Are a Cause of Confusion Within the Church. | |
Charles Lawson | 03/23/2022 (WN) | Joshua 7:1-10 | After Defeating Jericho, Joshua Was Left to Decide on Where to Go Next. He Felt His Victory Over Jericho Would Give Him an Easy Road Through Ai. When That Did Not Come to be He Got Angry with God, Which in Turn Opened His Heart to Talk with God Then God Talked to Him and Deepened Their Fellowship. We Can Still Appropriate the Same Lesson in Our Lives. | |
Caleb Wilson | 03/16/2022 (WN) | Galatians 1:3-8 Galatians 2:15-16 |
The People of Galatia Were Struggling With Wanting To Go Back To The Law and Live In The Flesh. Therefore, Galatians Is Paul's Polemic Against the Spread of False Teachings in Christianity. In Modern Times, We as Christians Need to Be Aware of the Deceptions Against God. Christianity Has an Abundance of Cult-Like Sects That Spread Misinformation. As a Church, We Need to Be at the Forefront of Talking About Sin and How We Cannot Work Our Way Into the Presence of God. | |
Charles Lawson | 03/09/2022 (WN) | Ezekiel 14:14 | Three Individuals That Are Notable In the Old Testament For Their Obedience to God Are Noah, Daniel, and Job. Showing Obedience to God Means Trusting and Having Faith In Him. His Righteousness Is Received By Faith and Can Only Be Given As the Gift From God, It Cannot Be Earned. | |
Charles Lawson | 03/02/2022 (WN) | John 20:31 | ... And Believing Ye Might Have Life Through His Name. The Very Different Gospel of John Cuts Through Glib, Superficial Bible Studies to Rightly Divide the Word of God: Shedding Light Upon Apparent Contradictions, Revealing Further Progressions of Dispensations, and Honing In on the Marvelous Promise of the Life of Christ Jesus for All Eternity. | |
February 2022 |
Charles Lawson | 02/23/2022 (WN) | Acts 1:1-6 | The Assembly of Those Who Separate Themselves From the World Are What Make the Church. People Must Completely Set Themselves From the Way of The World to Truly Love and Accept Christ. Point-by-Point Contrast of What the Born-Again Christians Actually Need Instead of What it is Served Up in a Typical Big Modern Church (Described in E-mail From December 2020). | |
The Spirit That Worketh in the Children of Disobedience |
Charles Lawson | 02/16/2022 (WN) | II Timothy 3:1-5 | How Similar Is II Timothy 3:1-5 to Romans Chapter One, But in Timothy--Paul Is Addressing People Who Are Professing Christians! Indeed, Statistics and News Stories Exemplify How Pathetically Immature and Self-absorbed People Are--and Persist in Being. Young People, All People Sorely Need Mature Teachers. Bible Instruction, Sure; But Moreover the Tenacious, Level Witness Who Will Live Out in Public the Christ in Whom They Trust. Suggestion: Read I Corinthians 12 Prayerfully and Consider the Gifts That God Bestows. |
Charles Lawson | 02/09/2022 (WN) | Luke 24:44-46 Psalms 23:1-4 |
The Psalms of The Good, The Great, and The Chief Shepherd; A Dispensational Understanding of Scripture and Events; A Concluding Word About Our Freedom of Speech | |
First Mention of the Endless Day |
Charles Lawson | 02/02/2022 (WN) | Genesis 5:1-2 | The Genealogy of Adam, Types of the Lord Jesus Christ, What Real Rest Is Like. Jesus Christ and His Bride, a Spiritual Union; and the Converse--Dealing with Demons (Evil Spirits). |
January 2022 |
We Must Decrease -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 01/26/2022 (WN) | II Samuel 4:4 | David Was Prophet, Priest, and King. Hebrew Meanings from Historical Places Written Within the Word of God. Analogy Given Which Compares Mephibosheth Sitting at King David's Table to Saved People and Our Kings Table. Even Though We Come as Dead Dogs, Broken and Insignificant. He Will Raise Us Up . He Still Bids Us Come.
John Beck | 01/19/2022 (WN) | Matthew 28:19-20 Acts 1:8 |
When God Calls You, He Will Equip You. The Church Belongs to Christ. God Has Always Been and Still Is Most Ardently Desirous That All Should Be Saved: The Great Commission Is Directed to Every Believer to Carry Out In Some Shape or Form. In Isaiah, God Was Looking For Someone to Send. In Ezekiel, He Looked for Someone to Stand in the Gap.... | |
Charles Lawson | 01/12/2022 (WN) | Acts 2:1-4 | Acts Provides Us With an Historical Reference to the Early Church Age. Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles, Interprets the Cross of Christ. The Doctrine of the Cross is Not Within the Book of Acts But its Application is Evident in Retrospect. Likewise, "the Blood" and the "Love of God." | |
Charles Lawson | 01/05/2022 (WN) | Joshua 2:1 | Accounts of the Fall of Jericho and Later Ai, Prefaced by the Spies Visit to Rahab and Compounded by a League with the Gideonites, All Pulled Together For Much More Complete Understanding of People's Actions, God's Judgment, the Meaning of Holy Ground and Examples of Sterling Character. | |
December 2021 |
Some of the Kinds of People You'll Find in Church |
Charles Lawson | 12/29/2021 (WN) | III John 1:9 | Quick Roster from Diotrephes to Preachers for Contention; Those Who Are Puffed Up and Those Whose God Is Their Belly. Some Personal Anecdotes for Illustration. |
Charles Lawson | 12/22/2021 (WN) | Matthew 1:18-25 | Looking Back We Can Appreciate How God Orchestrated Specific Elements Regarding the Birth of Jesus Christ: The Taxation Which Required Mary and Joseph to Visit Bethlehem; the Absolute Lowliness of Jesus' Birthplace and the People Immediate to His Nativity. The Spirit Within is the Difference Between Quick or Dead. Reading of Letter from Mayfield, KY With Firsthand Experience From the Tragic Tornadoes. | |
Charles Lawson | 12/15/2021 (WN) | Matthew 2:1-13 | Two Reasons Given Here Why the Virgin Birth Was Absolutely Necessary. One Reason, It Is the Means of Circumventing the Curse of Jeconiah Whose Children Barred from Ever Sitting Upon the Throne of David. A Second Reason, It Is the Means of Circumventing the Inherent Curse of Sin Passed from the First Adam. A Listener's Personal Testimony of How the Lord Is Still Saving Sinners. | |
Charles Lawson | 12/08/2021 (WN) | Luke 2:1-14 | In the Fullness of Time, The Express Image of His Person Was Born to a Virgin. There Was a Reason: Why He Became God Incarnate; The Time During History That He Was Born; and Knowledge of the Saviour. At the End of This Age, Satan Will Imitate God's Blessed Event and Will Incarnate Himself into the Antichrist to Become the Son of Perdition. O! Such a Time of Darkness! Let Us Follow the Light that God Has Given Us Now. | |
God's Light |
Charles Lawson | 12/01/2021 (WN) | John 10:19-30 | Keeping the Light of God Burning in the Temple was a Very Important Responsibility of the Priests. Hanukkah is a Celebration of this Very Thing. Secular Examples Abound in History and in Present Times but for all the Lights Out There, There is Only One True Light. |
November 2021 |
Words or Action -audio mp3- |
John Beck | 11/24/2021 (WN) | John 14:15, 21, 23-24 | Jesus Tells Us That If We Love Him, We Will Keep His Commandments and We Will Love Our Brother. Then We Come to Understand That Love Is Just Not Feeling But It is a Commitment: A Decision We Make and Live By. It is Easier to Love Someone Who Expresses Their Love to Us First. But Gods Love is Set Upon Even the Contrary and Ornery. Aren't We Glad? |
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Charles Lawson | 11/17/2021 (WN) |
I Corinthians 2:14 | "Without Me Ye Can Do Nothing." Revolving Around the Lord Jesus Christ, Focused on Him, Walking in Fellowship with Him--That's What the Spiritual Christian Is All About. |
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Charles Lawson | 11/10/2021 (WN) |
I Thessalonians 5:23 | Because of the New Birth, the Tripartite Nature of Mankind (Body, Soul and Spirit) Is More Evident in the New Testament and Is Significant as It Contrasts With the Duality of Ancient Greek Philosophy and of Pervasive Modern Notions of Strength and Independence. Thus, We Come to Understand What Paul is Really Talking About With His Exhortations Against Carnality and the Fleshly Mind. |
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Charles Lawson | 11/03/2021 (WN) |
Ruth 4:1-6 | Spotlights Are Thrown on Several Passages of Scripture Alluding to the Kinsman-Redeemer for a Greater Appreciation of Those Laws Which God Gave His People and Which Give a Fuller Explanation of What Christ Jesus Our Redeemer Has Done, Not Just for Mankind, But for All Creation. |
October 2021 |
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Charles Lawson | 10/27/2021 (WN) |
John 2:11 | The Book of John Presents the Lord Jesus Christ in a Different Manner Than the Synoptic Gospels. It Presents the Gift of Life, Deity, Age of Grace and Personal Access to God Through Payment of the Son of God's Blood to Redeem Us. This Gospel Teaches Us That Christ Gives Us Life Through Himself. |
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Charles Lawson | 10/20/2021 (WN) |
Titus 3:4-7 | Grace Is a Primary Doctrine Throughout the Bible; Grace Is Equivalent to Gift. Contrast Grace with Law, and Understand the Purpose of the Law. Also, Contrast the More Mature Christian with the Legalist--For Restoration of a Fallen Brother Can Only Be Effected by Ministering the Grace of God. |
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Charles Lawson | 10/13/2021 (WN) |
Hebrews 1-3 | As the Exact Manifestation of God, Our Saviour.....Man Sees Jesus Who Tasted Death For Every Man....Five Reasons of the Incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ...Poem by Mr. Kilpatrick and Mention of William Shatner's Brief Trip Into Outer Space. |
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Charles Lawson | 10/06/2021 (WN) |
John 11:43 | The Gospel of John Was Written That Ye Might Believe, and Every Miracle Is Called a "Sign." Over and Over, Jesus Spoke to the Convicting Power of Wondrous Acts He Has Performed and the Contrasting Hardness of Some People's Hearts. And Nowadays, Even as Evil and Unbelief Proliferate, Comes New Corroboration of Something Like a Meteor Cloud Burst That Could Explain the Documentation of an Event Involving Enormous Heat in a Location That Is Credibly the Ancient Site of Sodom and Gomorrah. |
September 2021 |
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Charles Lawson | 09/29/2021 (WN) |
Acts 9:1-2 | Saul the Persecutor Became Paul the Apostle and God Inspired Him to Write the Doctrine of the Cross. Our God Was Before All Things, Is the Creator of All Things and By Him All Things Consist. Nothing Can Separate Us From His Love. Moreover, We Have Assurance, That God Can and Does Take Things Meant for Evil to Accomplish His Good. |
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Charles Lawson | 09/22/2021 (WN) |
Psalms 27:13 | In This Psalm Is David's Perspective and Choice to Go With God. Contrast That with the Life of Karl Marx* Who Went Away From God [credit, "Way of Life" Website by David Cloud]. Observation of the Evils That Attend Communism and Marxism; List of Some of the Causes That Push Folks to Commit Suicide--Then: Reassurance of From Scripture (Romans 8), How Much God Loves Us and How Able He Is. |
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Charles Lawson | 09/15/2021 (WN) |
Luke 1:5-19 | God's People Understood From Prophesies of Old That Elias Will Precede the Coming of the Lord. They Did Not Accept That John the Baptist Could Have Stood in as Elias. So Elias is Still Coming. Compellingly, His Ministry Will Wait Until the Two Witnesses Prophesy Mid-Tribulation in the City of Jerusalem. |
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Charles Lawson | 09/08/2021 (WN) |
John 11:35 | The Shortest Verse in the Bible Epitomizes the Humanity of Christ Where the Man, Christ Jesus--Though God and All-knowing, Experienced the Sorrow of a Losing a Loved One. Feeling as We Feel Served to Further Equip the Lord Jesus in His Office of Our High Priest. Mention of Loses Preacher and Others in our Church Have Been Through (BJ McCloud This Past Monday). |
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Charles Lawson | 09/01/2021 (WN) | Joseph Is the Fruitful Bough; the Allegory of the Trees; Israel's Return to Be the Spiritual Head of the Nations. | |
August 2021 |
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Charles Lawson | 08/25/2021 (WN) | Genesis 3:15 | God Declared to Satan Right Away That He Was Going to Send a Saviour, So Over and Over Again Satan Tried to Thwart That Promise--Most Viciously of All at the Culmination of Jesus' Sacrifice: At Gethsemane, On Calvary, and In Death. Satan Still Slogs On--Seeking to Destroy or Nullify the Body of Christ Present on Earth. |
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Charles Lawson | 08/18/2021 (WN) | Romans 4:3-5 | Being Free From Sins of Thought, Word, Deed and Omission Will Not Save Us and Get Us to Heaven.The Lord Jesus Christ is Our Salvation. Sealing as It Is Used in Regard: to Salvation; to Mark a Person; the Seal of Redemption; and Being Sealed by the Holy Spirit (Which Is the Earnest of Our Inheritance). |
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Charles Lawson | 08/11/2021 (WN) | Ezekiel 28:11-15 | Lucifer, the Anointed Cherub That Covereth, Is As a Roaring Lion Seeking to Devour By Undermining Your Faith in God. The All-Important Test For the Right Spirit is That God Was Manifest in the Flesh. Know Too That The Afflictions That We Endure Are The Same for Everybody. |
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Charles Lawson | 08/04/2021 (WN) | Acts 8:29-30 | In Any New Testament Book, There is Enough of the Death, Burial and Resurrection To Lead You to Christ. The Prophecy of the Coming of the Lord is Included Within Each Chapter of I Thessalonians. |
July 2021 |
The Distinct Difference of Divine Deliverance -audio mp3- |
Mike Sage | 07/28/2021 (WN) | Numbers 13:33 | Don't Follow God Partially - Follow Fully, Faithfully and Fearlessly. Joshua and Caleb Had a Distinct Difference in Their Spirit as They Were Wholly Sanctified. Stand With Him and He Will Stand With Us. We Are of the Word, Not of the World. He Will Bring Us All the Way Through. |
Blessings From Rendings -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 07/21/2021 (WN) | Matthew 26:63-65 | When the High Priest Confronted Jesus Christ About His Identity, He Rent His Garment For the Response Christ Gave. Unheard of. But, as a Result, A Blessing to All Who Come to Jesus. Other Rendings Mentioned in Scripture: Christ's Side, the Veil, Rocks, Eastern Sky and Our Hearts. Mention of Joni Eareckson Tada. |
Rahab's Choice -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 07/14/2021 (WN) | Joshua 2:1-7 | Though All the People of Jericho Feared the Hebrews and Their God, Rahab Took the Steps Necessary to Accept and to Receive the Lord Their God (God in Heaven Above and in Earth Beneath). And Another Example Here and Now in the Testimony of a Man Whom God Found in the Midst of His Darkness and Drew Him Step by Step to Himself. |
The Serpent -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 07/07/2021 (WN) | Genesis 3:1 | Satan, as the Nahash and Other Manifestations, Uses Tactics to Attack Our Faith and Drive a Wedge in our Relationship With God. Pastor Provides Counsel in Dealing With Satan. The Five Castings Down of Satan Mentioned Within the Bible. |
June 2021 |
Life Is In The Blood |
Charles Lawson | 06/30/2021 (WN) | Genesis 9:3-4 | The Blood is the Atonement for the Soul. Points Presented From M.R. DeHaan's Book, Chemistry of the Blood. Pastor Shared With Us a Revelation From the Lord for People Struggling With Prayer or Their Walk With God. (See Also SS 07/04/21. Some of this material was repeated there.) |
The Mystery of the Day of Christ -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 06/23/2021 (WN) | I Corinthians 15:51-54 | We Are Living, in These Days, as it Was in the Days of Lot and of Noah. The Second Coming of the Lord is Drawing Near but First the Mystery of the Rapture! When We Shall Not all Sleep but Shall be Changed. Look for That Blessed Hope and Be Ready - Watching For Him. |
Invitations -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 06/16/2021 (WN) |
Genesis 3:8-10 | God Gives Us Many Different Types of Invitations and Approaches Throughout the Whole Word of God. Come Unto Him, Thirst for God, Keep Your Soul Longing for the Living God and Come Boldly Before the Throne of Grace. As the Last Invitation in the Book of Revelation, "Come..." |
Preach the Word -audio mp3- |
Ronnie Crain | 06/09/2021 (WN) |
II Timothy 4:1-2 | As Paul Expressed to Timothy to Preach the Word, This Preacher Shared Opportunities That He Had Been Given During His 31-Year Ministry. He Also Expressed His Admiration to Adoniram Judson (Missionary to Burma), to Billy Sunday and to Their Unwavering Faith and Obedience to Our Lord and Saviour. Whatsoever He Leadeth You to Do--Do It. |
The Man of Character -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 06/02/2021 (WN) |
II Samuel 11:6-12 | Uriah, the Hittite Was Treated Treacherously by King David. He Was a Soldier That We Can Learn From. Uriah Was an Honorable, Obedient, Conscientious, and Obedient to Death. A Touch on the Chinese Plague and the Government's Precursor for the Mark of the Beast. |
May 2021 |
The Question? of Eternal Security -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 05/26/2021 (WN) |
Matthew 10:22-23 | Studying "Ambiguous" Scriptures in Their Proper Context So As To Understand That These Folks That "Turn" and Are "Lost" Are Not Lost Because of Sins They Have Committed But Because They Were Introduced or Professed Jesus Then Turned from Their Saviour. This Is Not a Danger to Anyone Born Again, But Can Apply the Hebrews in the Early Church or Those Who Will Live in the Tribulation. |
Royalty by Choice -audio mp3- | Charles Lawson | 05/19/2021 (WN) |
Matthew 1:1-6 | Matthew Gives Us Jesus' Genealogy of Royalty, but There Is No Bloodline in It. By Choice People Become a Part of God's Kingdom, Such as Rahab the Harlot and Ruth the Moabitess. Everywhere the Cross Has Been Preached, Lives Are Drastically Changed. People Believe and Consciously Act to Serve the Lord Jesus Christ. Choose You This Day Whom Ye Will Serve. |
Both Sides of David -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 05/12/2021 (WN) |
I Samuel 13:14 | David, We Know, Was Not a Perfect Man. And This Is a Great Consolation to Any Who May Also Have Committed Heinous Offenses. But David's Inner Life, Revealed in Psalms, and Other Declarations of His Character--His Courage, Spiritual Discernment, Personal Knowledge of Forgiveness, and Absolute Willingness to Put Himself in the Hand of God Above Any Other--That Is What Makes Him a Man After God's Own Heart. |
Making Wise Decisions in the Will of God -audio mp3- |
Keith Tekell | 05/05/2021 (WN) |
Proverbs 3:5-8 | Admonition From the Speaker That It Is Vital to Stay in the Will of God; to be Dedicated to God and His Word; to Pray in All Situations and Decisions; Trust God Alone; and Seek Wise Counsel. He Shares His Personal Experience With Corrie Ten Boom. Her Advice: "Trust Him in Everything and Hold Everything Loosely". There is No Confusion in Peace. |
April 2021 |
The Adoption -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 04/28/2021 (WN) |
Galatians 4:1-7 | Detailed Explanation of the Born-Again Believer's Advancement from Saved State to Adoption as a Son and Heir. |
Serve the Lord By Faith, Not Understanding -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 04/21/2021 (WN) |
I Kings 17:1-7 | Outsiders Were Receptive to the Lord Jesus Christ and Received Him Willingly. Get the Victory and Come With a Spirit of Thankfulness and Thanksgiving. Be Receptive to Receive Him. He's Won the Victory and Has Defeated the Enemy Already. |
Did Not [Do Not] Like to Retain God -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 04/14/2021 (WN) |
Job 7:20-21;13:26 | Both Job and Abraham Were Concerned About the Issue of Sin. Four Things God Taught Abraham When He Tested Him at the Top of Moriah; and in Many Things He Would Instruct Everybody Except They Turn From Him, and He Gives Them Up (and Again) Until He Gives Them Over to a Reprobate Mind. We War Not So Much Against the Flesh But the Spirit (of Antichrist) That's Behind It. |
God Leaves Himself a Witness -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 04/07/2021 (WN) |
Genesis 12:1 | Even Though Melchizedek Was Already in the Land of Mt. Moriah and Had the Ancient Knowledge of God, God Revealed Himself to Abram to Come Out of the Land of Ur To Be A Witness Unto Him. Mention of a Couple of Principles (in Deut. 9:5 and Gen. 11:27) Which Help Us to Understand God's Ways. |
March 2021 |
Teachings of the Passover -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 03/31/2021 (WN) |
Genesis 15:10-21 | Following the Thread of Events Which God Purposed from His Land Grant to Israel; Israel's Sojourn in and Deliverance from Egypt by the Blood of the Passover Lamb; Institution of the Lord's Supper; and Eastertime and Resurrection Morn. |
The Forbidden Chapter -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 03/24/2021 (WN) | Isaiah 53:1-4 | At Mt. Sinai, God Gave Moses Both the Written and the Oral Law; Yet, Most Jews Are Unfamiliar With the 53rd Chapter of Isaiah And That It is Found in Their Tenakh. When Jesus' Teaching Incited Aggression in Those of the Jewish Religion, He Switched to Parables So That Those Which Would Hear, Could Understand and Believe. |
Jews Long For Their Messiah -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 03/17/2021 (WN) | Matthew 16:13-16 | God Instructed His People to Keep His Word Before Them with Phylacteries and Tefillin and Tzitzit, and Religiously, They Did. But Mostly, Their Preconceptions Darkened Their Understanding of Jesus: His Person, His Mission, His Sacrifice; and Lead Them Going After False, Self-Proclaimed Messiahs: Bar Kakhba, For Just One Example. |
God-Centered View of Life -audio mp3- |
Caleb Wilson | 03/10/2021 (WN) | Psalms 127:1-5 | Let Christ Build the House. All the Building We Can Do is Vanity. If You're Sorrowed or Stressed (or Even If You're Not), Meditate on the Love of God. Jesus' Walk on This Earth Was to Please the Father. It Must Be Our Everything to Live for God! |
The Book of James -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 03/03/2021 (WN) | James 1:1 | Addressed to "the Twelve Tribes Scattered Abroad," But Filled With Practical Words For Every Believer of Every Age. Spotlight on the End of the Book Which Speaks to Fellowship and Effective Prayer. Suggested Prayer for America, or At Least for This Church (and Other True Churches). |
February 2021 |
The Heart of the Earth -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 02/24/2021 (WN) | Revelation 13:1 | The Bible Speaks Several Times of the Lower Parts of the Earth. Even Physicists Are Rethinking the Idea of a Molten Core at Its Center. The Evil Which Surrounds Us Brought the Psalmist to Say That He Would Have Fainted Except He Had Looked for the Goodness of God. Be Prepared to Leave This Earth! |
Revival in Corinth -audio mp3- | Charles Lawson | 02/17/2021 (WN) | II Corinthians 7:8 | By a Letter (and the Power of the Word of God), Paul Brought the Church at Corinth to Godly Sorrow, Which Lead to Repentance, Which Produced Renewed Life. |
Perfecting His Salvation -audio mp3- |
David Pressley | 02/10/2021 (WN) | I Peter 5:1-10 | Peter Exhorts Us to Feed the Flock and to Become Humble; to be Established, Strengthened and Settled....The Speaker Shares His Testimony of Coming Through Religion Unto Salvation. |
Lord, Remember Me -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 02/03/2021 (WN) | Luke 23:33-43 | One Man Had a Dying Glimpse of the Nature of God and It Resulted in a "Deathbed" Conversion. Jesus Answered Not a One of the Hateful Railers, But to the Pleading Thief on the Cross Beside Him, Jesus Gave Instant Reassurance: "To Day Thou Shalt Be With Me in Paradise." |
January 2021 |
True Faith in God -audio mp3- |
Lucas Hickman | 01/27/2021 (WN) | Revelation 1:8-11 | What Do We, as Christians, Focus On? Do We Let the Distractions of This World Draw Us Away? Reach Out to Others About Christ and Focus on Being With God Every Moment With Pure Thoughts and Allow His Sufficiency to Reign. |
Communication From God -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 01/20/2021 (WN) | Genesis 4:25-26 | God Loves People and Would That All People Would Know Him. So He Not Only Gives Evidence of Himself, He Sends Out His Word into All the World, Long Before Scripture Was Written Down. His Invitation Is So Broad That--Whosoever Shall Call Upon His Name Shall Be Saved. |
Progressing Through Romans -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 01/13/2021 (WN) | Romans 1:21-28 | The Apostle Paul Leads Us From the Rejection of The Truth in Chapter 1 to Victory Over Everything Through the Love of God in Chapter 8. Chapters 9-16, the Scripture Opens Up Spiritually Dealing With Salvation, the Character of God, Our Walk With God, Practical Teachings, Growth in the Lord, and Practical Teachings for Us. |
The Book of Acts, Full of Action -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 01/06/2021 (WN) | Acts 1:1-2 | Fierce Persecution Beset the Church from Its Start, But Empowered by the Holy Ghost, It Did Not Die; But, Rather, Prospered (as It Always Will). Vexation at the Hand of Herod--Contrast What God Allowed for Two Different Members of Jesus' Inner Circle. |
December 2020 |
Love Covereth All Sins -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 12/30/2020 (WN) | Proverbs 17:22 | The Song of Solomon is the Book of Love Showing Us the Highest and Deepest Heart of God. The Old Testament Prophets Tell Us to Love With an Everlasting Love, and to Do Justice and to Love Mercy. Such as God's Love That Even When We Are Useless, He Will Accept Us. |
The True Gift -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 12/23/2020 (WN) | Matthew 2:1-2 | As the Magi Came Bearing Gifts for the King of Kings, God has Given Us a Gift That is Not Deserved and Cannot be Earned. Receive His Gift of Eternal Life Freely. |
Jesus Was Born -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 12/16/2020 (WN) | Matthew 2:1-2 | Details of Christ Jesus' Birth Offer Much Context But Also Beg Many Questions and Have Fostered Myriad Traditions (Sometimes a Source of Contention). Sidebars, Also, on Types of Governments and Political Parties; Concluding With the Suggestion That Along with the Hoopla, This Season Might Provoke Some People to Investigate the Fundamental Reason That Christians Celebrate. |
Demonic Era -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 12/09/2020 (WN) | Matthew 2:1-2 | When Christ Was Born, the World Was Governed by the Fourth World Power Prophesied in Daniel. Rome Never Has Gone Out of Power; Just Shifted to All Religious Rather Than Political. And at This Time, It Is Down to the Feet (Iron Mixed with Clay--a Mysterious State). O! How Sorely We Need the Lord, to be IN HIM, In Fellowship (What a Privilege!) |
We Will Meet Again -No Audio Only- |
Charles Lawson | 12/02/2020 (WN) | Isaiah 63:9-10 | Pastor Lawson Shares the Passing of a Precious Brother, Fellow Preacher, Wise Youth Leader and Pillar Within Our Church. Brothers and Sisters Share Love and Memories For Him. |
November 2020 |
No Live Service | 11/25/2020 (WN) | Rebroadcast of Observations on Thanksgiving by Pastor Charles Lawson from November 14, 2018 | ||
No Live Service | 11/18/2020 (WN) | Rebroadcast of Tracing the Mark of the Cross by Eric Nafziger- from SN 08.02.2020 | ||
Who Is This Man? -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 11/11/2020 (WN) | Matthew 13:53-58 | Looking Beyond the Religions and Prejudices and Shades of Personal Experience to Come to Know Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, by Revelation from the Father Himself. It is the Only Way to Know Him Truly and Rightly. |
Where Are We Today? -audio mp3- |
Samuel Keith | 11/04/2020 (WN) | Luke 10:30-37 | Are We Religious Pharisees? Compassion Was Extended to the Samaritan and to Mephibosheth. God's Character is Forgiving, Compassionate, Full of Grace, and Saves to the Uttermost. Do we Testify to the Hearts of the Lost? Do We Restore One Another? Ask the Lord Jesus Christ for Revival and Depend on His Finished Work of His Cleansing Blood. Seek His Face Today. |
October 2020 |
Making an Impact -audio mp3- |
Lucas Hickman | 10/28/2020 (WN) | Isaiah 6:8 | A High School Senior Draws an Analogy Between Playing on His School's Soccer Team and Fighting the Relentless Evil That Surrounds (and Would Smother) Us. At All Costs, Stand For and Defend Your Faith. Tips on How to Be Prepared for the Mission at Hand. |
Character -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 10/21/2020 (WN) | Titus 1:10-16 | True Marks of Character Include: Your Word; Your Responsibility to Others; Whom You Fear (Fear God and Him Alone); What You Are Thankful For; and Trustworthiness |
To Know Him Is to Fellowship with Him -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 10/14/2020 (WN) | Numbers 14:1 | We Are Forced to Discern Scripture [Rightly] or We'll Wind Up Disappointed in God Because We've Misunderstood His Character. To Know God's Character Is the Only Way That You Can Fellowship With Him. |
Totalitarian Control -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 10/07/2020 (WN) | Daniel 12:1-4 | An Increase in World Knowledge Will Bring Means for Control. Study Was Presented that Lists Twelve Steps That Could Lead the World Into a Totalitarian One World Government Utilizing Control. This Election is Very Important. The Left Are Trying to Change and Add Policies Which Are Detrimental to the Existence of America. We Need to Pray! |
September 2020 |
No Recordings | 09/30/2020 (WN) | Outside Service tonight. Did livestream two messages from March 2020, but did not post that livestreaming. | ||
Psalm of the Good Shepherd -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 09/23/2020 (WN) | Psalm 22:1, 22 | Two Separate Examples of Other Gods Being Given Non-stop Worship, While Our God Describes Himself as the Good Shepherd (Giving His Life for His Sheep), the Great Shepherd, and the Chief Shepherd. Despite the Myriad and Multiplying Uncertainties of Current Events, Keep Looking for the Imminent and Glorious Return of Our Lord Jesus [Lord of Lords and King of Kings]. No Fear for Us in Him. |
No Recordings | 09/16/2020 (WN) | Outside Service in Honor of Preacher Lawson's Birthday. Did livestream messages from April 2020, but did not post that livestreaming. | ||
Three Enemies of Israel -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 09/09/2020 (WN) | Genesis 36:12 | Amalek, Old Enemy of Opportunity, Preys on Weakness. Babylon, Enemy of Intellectualism, Incites Confusion. Egypt, Enemy of Bondage and Oppression--God Judged Their gods by the Power of [the] Blood. |
Say It One More Time -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 09/02/2020 (WN) | I Timothy 1:12-15 | Pastor Shared a Portion of His Testimony, What He Has Learned, and His Excitement on the Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ. Ministries of Jonathan Edwards, George Whitfield, J. Harold Smith, Harold B. Sightler, and John Wesley |
August 2020 |
Get As Much Truth As You Want -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 08/26/2020 (WN) | Acts 10:1-4 | A Run Down of People in Scripture Who Fell Short in One Way or Another--Yet Are Notable for Their Service to the Lord. You Must Accept Every Truth About Jesus or You Don't Receive Him at All. Conversely, You'll Never Have a Relationship With the Lord Unless You Are Honest [With Him]. Quick Review of Stories Behind Some Familiar Songs. |
He Is the Manifest Word -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 08/19/2020 (WN) | John 1:1 | The Book of John Brings Out the Deity of Christ. All Judgment is Given to Christ and as the Manifest Word of God, He Judges Us Just by Being Present, Forcing the Choice of What Are You Going to Do With Him? Significance of Olive Tree, Fig Tree, and Vine Tree. |
This Testimony, That He Pleased God -audio mp3- |
Ronnie Crain | 08/12/2020 (WN) | Hebrews 11:5 | Extra-Biblical Examples of Believers Whose Lives Surely Pleased God as They Greatly Influenced Contemporaries and Inspire Us Even Still: Polycarp, Hugh Latimer, Fanny Crosby. |
The Power of the Word of God -audio mp3- |
John Beck | 08/05/2020 (WN) | Hebrews 1:1-2 | We Need to Hear, Receive and Believe the Word of God. He Guides Us in All Truth Through His Holy Spirit. The Story of the Woman at the Well Shows the Power of Witnessing and Moreover the Greater Power of the Words of Jesus Himself. |
July 2020 |
God's Purpose in Judgments of Famine -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 07/29/2020 (WN) | Ruth 1:1-2 | God's Ultimate Purpose in the Famine That Drove Naomi's Family from Israel to Moab, Then Drew Ruth from Her Moabite Homeplace into the Land and to the God of Israel. For Our Time of Famine, Absolute Assurance That the Church Will Make It Through. |
Glorify God -audio mp3- |
Ronnie Crain | 07/22/2020 (WN) | Philippians 1:20-21 | The Apostle Paul Continued Stephen's Boldness in His Preaching. Our Lives Should Glorify God Every Day; Fellowship Through the Holy Spirit; Fearless Through Persecution; Never Quit. Obey God Rather Than Man. Let Go and Then Let God. Are You Satisfied With Yourself? |
Many Need to Find Out They're Lost -audio mp3- |
David Pressley | 07/15/2020 (WN) | Philippians 1:21 | Folks Are Out There Looking For Something Else, But Are Needing Jesus. Or They Are Banking On a Momentary Emotional Rush, Allowing That Was Their Salvation. Comparing Themselves With Themselves--They Figure They're Not As Bad. (They Probably Don't Even Qualify as Sinners.) Then... There Are the Right Steps, Such As Paul Took. |
Genuine Religion, Faith, and Wisdom -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 07/08/2020 (WN) | James 1:1-8 | James Is a Little Book, But Eminently Practical--Explaining from Scripture and by Logic How We Ought to Show Our Faith Before Others and Prove It to Ourselves, Thereby Demonstrating the Difference Between the Born-Again Saint and Every Detestable Demon in Existence. |
Tactics of the Opposition. -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 07/01/2020 (WN) | Ezra 4:1 | Each of the Prophets Returning to the Holy Land Were Met by Enemies and Detractors Who Would Resist Them and Attempt to Thwart Them. Then Ezra, in Chapter 8, Beginning in Verse 22. Tells How He and His Band Overcame the Opposition by Putting into Practice--Not Presumptuously, But by the Most Solemn Sincerity--the Promises of God Upon Which They Rested. |
June 2020 |
Paul, An Apostle... -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 06/24/2020 (WN) | Galatians 1:1 | Paul's Distinct Origin and Background and Calling Set Him Apart for the Gentiles to Whom He Was Particularly Sent and Prepared Him to Face Down Certain Conflicts with Judaizers and Dissemblers. |
This Beginning of Miracles -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 06/17/2020 (WN) | John 2:1-4 | It Is Well-Known That Turning Water to Wine Was the First of the Jesus' Sign Miracles. Greater Appreciation for the Significance of That Sign by Running References on New Wine/Old Bottles, the Vine/Fruit of the Vine, the Vineyard. Blessings--and Counterfeits. |
Restoring the Brethren -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 06/10/2020 (WN) | Galatians 6:1 | It Takes a Gentle Spirit When Restoring a Brother/Sister That Has Been Overtaken in a Fault. We Must Minister With a Gentle Spirit, Remind Them of God's Constant Love, and Be Mindful of Ourselves Lest We Also Be Tempted. What it Means to be Walking in the Light. |
John Beck | 06/03/2020 (WN) | II Timothy 3:1 | Timothy, Having Been Raised Under the Word of the Lord, Was Well Prepared to Evangelize When Urgently Encouraged by Paul Because of the Imminently Perilous Times. | |
May 2020 |
Charles Lawson | 05/27/2020 (WN) | What Is Righteousness (What Someone Did) and What Is Holiness (Where You Are) and How Righteousness Is All Tied Up With Fellowship with The Father. Prayer Is the Second Component (First to be Assaulted by Satan) to Fellowship--Different From Just Talk. Lastly--Love. | ||
Charles Lawson | 05/20/2020 (WN) | Genesis 32:1 | Jacob--Returning to the Promised Land, Facing His Brother That He'd Wronged--Feared Retribution at His Hand. But Jacob Humbled Himself, and Earnestly Prayed. Then He Wrestled with the Angel and Was Given God's Blessing in His Own Right, Signified by a New Name. | |
Charles Lawson | 05/13/2020 (WN) | II Peter 1:13-16 II Peter 1:4-21 |
Exhortation Not to Be Unteachable, to Keep Growing and Building: "Adding to" Faith, Virtue, Knowledge, and On Up. Point to the Word of God, the Light in a Dark Place and a More Sure Word of Prophecy, ...Until the Day Dawn.... |
Charles Lawson | 05/06/2020 (WN) | II Thessalonians 2:1-12 | Rampant Rumors Leave Us All in a State of Confusion. We Can Offer Many and Varied Suggestions as to Who Is Actively Manipulating and, Most Telling, Why? To What End? Bottom Line: Trust Jesus. He May Not Give Us Explanations, But Be It Resolved: Go On With God. |
April 2020 |
Charles Lawson | 04/29/2020 (WN) | Philippians 2:5-11 | Although Almighty and All-Knowing and Creator-Owner of All, Jesus Came Among Men as One Lowly, Penniless, as a Servant, Who Lived Among the Common Folk. And in This Way, by His Utter Submission and Obedience to the Father, He Showed to All What Is the Mind of God. | |
How the Apostate Misses Salvation -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 04/22/2020 (WN) | I Peter 1:1-2 | Talk About Salvation--the New Birth and the Saved Life Because of Christ Jesus' Intercession. Then, Contrast with the Apostate and the Powerful Analogy by John Phillips of the Believer/Apostate to Ruth and Orpah. |
Second Argument for Pre-Trib Rapture -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 04/15/2020 (WN) | Isaiah 6:9 | Interwoven With the First Argument Presented Last Week, This Line of Reasoning Centers on God's People, the Jews: How They Reject Jesus As Their Messiah and So He Blinds Them (and Turns to the Gentiles), and the Jewish People as a Nation Will Not Know Jesus as Their Messiah Until He Visits Them During the Tribulation. THEN Salvation Will Roar Out of Zion. But That Is a Different Dispensation, and the Saved Will Have to Endure to the End--As Is Pictured in the Parable About the Five Wise and Five Foolish Virgins. |
Just One Argument for Pre-Trib Rapture -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 04/08/2020 (WN) | Malachi 4:4 | Factor In That Moses and Elijah Will Be Present Before the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord. The Day of the Lord Has to Do with the House of Israel as a Corporate Body. Because the Jews Rejected Jesus as Their Messiah, the Church and Age of Grace and Body of Christ Came About, As Did the Mystery of the Rapture--That We Are Saved from the Wrath of the Lamb Which Comes in the Time of Jacob's Trouble (the Tribulation). Also, Words Regarding a Proper, Godly Response to the Social Constrictions of These Disastrous Times. |
Let the Lord Be Your Fear -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 04/01/2020 (WN) | Isaiah 8:1-4 | The Civil War in Israel, Prophesies through Isaiah (He and the Children the Lord Gave Him for Signs and Wonders, v.18).... Both Sides Feared the Assyrians When They Should Have Been Fearing God. And Advice Was Sought from Familiar Spirits and Wizards Instead of Trusting in Almighty God Who Hold the Future. |
March 2020 |
Job's Redeemer -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 03/25/2020 (WN) | Job 19:22-27 | Job's Redeemer Is Our Redeemer and The One Who Bought Back Our Inheritance Which Adam Lost. Job's Daysman Is Our Mediator; He Who Pleads with God on Job's Behalf Is Our Advocate. And Jesus Is the Surety of a Better Testament. Job Understood Man's Relationship with God, and He Came to Know Even Better. |
Faith In God -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 03/18/2020 (WN) | Genesis 18:25 | We Can Depend Upon the Character of God: God Can Do Nothing But Right. And at the Appointed Time, Every Human Who Ever Lived Will Face The Almighty God as The Righteous Judge. Would That These Perilous Times Will Compel Young People--All People--to Soberly Consider Life Beyond the Next Party. |
Lamb of God -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 03/11/2020 (WN) | John 1:29 | People go to Hell for Rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ. He Reproves the World of Its Sin, Righteousness, and Judgment. The Lamb of God Earned the Right to Judge all Mankind. He is the Son of God. How Simple the Way and Means of Salvation Is. |
The Holy Spirit, Spirit of Truth -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 03/04/2020 (WN) | John 16:13-14 | How It Is That the Holy Spirit Guides You to All Truth, Shows You Things to Come, and Glorifies the Son of God. He Is Also Called the Spirit of Holiness, the Spirit of Light, Spirit of the Glory of God.... Many More, and Mention, Too, of the Eternal Purpose of God. In Summary, the Godhead Produces Everything We Need. Again, the Wisdom of God Is Seeing Things As He Sees Them. |
February 2020 |
The Thief on the Cross -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 02/26/2020 (WN) | Matthew 27:38-44 | After Reviling and Mocking the Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross, One of the Thieves Being Crucified Along With Our Saviour Begins to Listen, Which Opens the Door Into His Heart, and He Confesses to His Just Condemnation. He Hails the Saviour as His Own and Joins Him in Paradise That Very Day! All We Need is the Holy Son of God. O, That Other Wretched Sinners Would Listen to His God's Word. |
The Goel (Kinsman-Redeemer) -audio mp3 |
Charles Lawson | 02/19/2020 (WN) | Job 19:22-27 | In the Midst of His Distress and Grief, Job Called for Help by Several Different Offices: Goel, Daysman, Advocate, Surety.... Jesus Is All of These for Us; and God in Us Should Be Abundantly Apparent to Anybody. |
Finding the Wisdom of God -audio mp3 |
Charles Lawson | 02/12/2020 (WN) | Luke 2:41-52 | Mary and Joseph Lost Track of the Child Jesus, age 12, and Found Him in the Temple Expounding the Wisdom of God to the Doctors of Law. Likewise, Even His Disciples (Such as We are) Must be Careful to Ensure That Jesus is Indeed in Our Company (When we Think He is), and We Can Look to Him to See Things as God Sees Them for the Purpose that God Has - Which is the Wisdom of God. |
Coming Back Around to Babylon -audio mp3 |
Charles Lawson | 02/05/2020 (WN) | Genesis 10:6-10 | The Cradle of Civilization and Ground Zero for Mankind's Corporate Snubbing of God and Reaching Instead for the Stars and Beyond Under the Commanding Leadership of Nimrod. That's Where We Started; From There the Father of the Faithful Was Call Out; Back to There Is Where the Earth Is Headed. |
January 2020 |
Overcoming -audio mp3 |
Charles Lawson | 01/29/2020 (WN) | Ezekiel 28:14-19 | The Anointed Cherub Became the One that Tempts, Accuses, Brings a Facade of Religion, Causes Ill-Intentions, Robs Us of Conviction, and Sifts Us, etc. Go to Peniel and Meet With God Because He Loves Us. Don't Wait for God to Chasten Us. Satan Gradually Falls From the Third Heaven and Ends Up Cast Into the Lake of Fire. Do You Want to Be There? |
God vs Satan -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 01/22/2020 (WN) | Genesis 3:1 | Why Is Satan Allowed to Exist? For All of Satan's Accusations and Machinations, God Uses Satan. And God Gets the Glory from It. |
Sent -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 01/15/2020 (WN) | John 1:6 | Word Study on "Sent"; List of Eight Who Bore Witness of Jesus... Jesus Who Is: "The Very Essence of God Became the Essence of Sin That We Might Become the Righteousness of God In Him." |
When God Speaks to God -audio mp3- |
Charles Lawson | 01/08/2020 (WN) | John 17:1 | The Son Speaks to the Father, and the Father Speaks to the Son. And in Genesis, All the Godhead Speaks Among Themselves. Also, an Appreciation of the Chapter Divisions of Isaiah. |