February 2025

Romans Study #58, Signs, Wonders, and Miracles
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Tony Hopkins 02/16/2025 Romans 15:18-33

The Purpose of Signs, Wonders, and Miracles is to Confirm the Word of God. A Look of How God's Dissemination of the Gospel Has Always Been from East to West; Paul's Adament Detour to Jerusalem was Backward. Also a Look at the KJV Text Superiority to the Newer Versions.

Fixing Your Mindset
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Sam Greene 02/09/2025 11 Corinthians 4:1-18 Verse by Verse Exegesis of 2 Corinthians 4. Intent on Reassuring the Christian That Though Things In His Life May Seem to Be Blowing Up, the Indwelling Holy Spirit Comforts and Steadys Us. Encouragement Also in the Importance of Casual Witnessing.

Romans Study #57, Correct Admonishment
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Tony Hopkins 02/02/2025 Romans 15:14

January 2025

Romans Study #56, Three Offices of the Lord
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Tony Hopkins 01/26/2025 Romans 15:9 The Lord Jesus Christ Holds the Three Offices of Prophet, Priest and King. He Currently Serves as Our High Priest Making Intercession For Our Prayers and Actively Teaching Us. He Shall Return as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Romans Study #55, Gospel of the Kingdom vs Gospel of Grace
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Tony Hopkins 01/19/2025 Romans 15:8 Signs, Wonders, and Miracles Are for the Jews, and Jesus Patiently Endevours to Connect His Ministry to the Old Testament Prophecies. Word of God is a Stone of Stumblining to Those Who Don't Have Holy Spirit to Guide Them to the Truth.
No Service, Snow Tony Hopkins 01/12/2025  
Romans Study #54-audio mp3-
Tony Hopkins 01/05/2025  

December 2024

Romans Study #53,
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Tony Hopkins 12/29/2024  
Romans Study #52, Kingdoms and Kings
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Tony Hopkins 12/22/2024 Romans 14:15 Satan Has an Affinity for High Places and Persistently Craves Adoration. Music is a Significant Tool in Drawing People Together to Achieve His Ends. God, However, is a Divider - not a Uniter.

Romans Study #51, All Things Lawful
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Tony Hopkins 12/15/2024 Romans 14:14 If You Can't Be Temperate About Something, Then You Must Abstain From it. Fully Understanding the Difference Between the Kingdom of God (Spiritual) and the Kingdom of Heaven (Physical).

Romans Study #50, Judgements
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Tony Hopkins 12/08/2024 Romans 14:10-13 Getting the Straight Skinny on the Judgement Seat of Christ vs. the Great White Throne Judgement; Judging People or Judging Things; and Warning Against Casting Stumbling Blocks Before Others.

Romans Study #49, Relating to One Another Within the Church
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Tony Hopkins 12/01/2024 Romans 14:1-4 We Are to Receive One Another within the Body of Christ, Yet Considering Variations in Learning or Maturity. Guidelines on When and How to Confront Differences--Hinged on Careful Avoidance of Causing Another to Stumble and with the Understanding that Each and Every Child of God Will Give for Himself before the Lord.

November 2024

Romans Study #48, Knowing the Time
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Tony Hopkins 11/24/2024 Romans 13:11-14 We Cannot Be Filled of the Holy Ghost Unless We Are Full of the Word of God. We Cannot Know the Times Except from Scripture. A Word Study on "Morning" and "Sunrise" and A Better Understanding of the Works of the Flesh.

Romans Study #47, Let Every Soul Be Subject To Higher Powers
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Tony Hopkins 11/17/2024 Romans 13:1-9 Fairly Exhaustive List of the Civil Authorities to Which God Command Us to Submit: the Reasons for It [Order and Decency] and Some of the Good Outcomes for Being Law Abiding.

Narcoleptic Christians
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Sam Greene 11/10/2024 Acts 20:9 Eutychus Fell Asleep During Paul's Message and Fell Out of the Third Story Window. That Happened Because: (1) He Was Sitting Down, (2) He Was Somewhere He's Not Supposed to Be, and (3) He Was Falling Asleep. (4) The Results of 1, 2, and 3 Is Being Completely Out of Fellowship with Jesus and Spiritually Dead.

Romans Study #46, All About Power and Authority
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Tony Hopkins 11/03/2024 Romans 13:1-3 Overview of Examples Throughout the Ages Including Nimrod, Nebuchadnezzar, and the Anti Christ. Satan's Power Is Physical Over Men and the Atmosphere but the Spiritual Power We Have from God is the Power of His Resurrection.

October 2024

Romans Study #45, Condescensions/Ascensions of Christ
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Tony Hopkins 10/27/2024 Romans 12:16-21 Advise on Getting Along with Other People, and Segue Into the Touchy Topic of Chain of Command and Submission to Authority.

Romans Study #44, Love Without Dissimulation
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Tony Hopkins 10/20/2024 Romans 12:9-16 The Truth Hurts, But Negative Messages Are Essential Because God Abhors Sin and Positive, Smooth Words Only Will Never Convict Us of How Great the Cost of Sin Has Been to Our Lord and Saviour. Also: Fire Purifies; and Fire Produces Pressure, and Pressure Produces Precious Stones....

Romans Study #43, Humbleness of Mind
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Tony Hopkins 10/13/2024 Romans 12:3-8 It Is So Important That Brethern Remain Teachable (Even as Apollos Was); Be Mindful That No One in the Church Lives or Dies to Themself. Understand That Measures of Faith and Grace Differ Among Individuals, and That Ministries Vary--Wait [That Is, Attend] to Your [Own] Ministering.

Romans Study #42, Giving of Yourself
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Tony Hopkins 10/06/2024 Romans 12:1-5 The Works that We Do in the Flesh (Gold, Silver, Precious Stones, Wood, Hay, and Stubble) Will Be Tried By Fire (the Word of God). Warning Against Giving Place to the Devil: In Pride or Contention. Every Member of the Church Has a Purpose for the Edification of the Body, None Actually Superior to Another.

September 2024

Romans Study #41, Early Church Transitions
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Tony Hopkins 09/29/2024 Romans 11:29 In the Book of Acts, Gradually the Favor Enjoyed by the Jews is Swapped to the Gentiles. The List We Cannot Know About the Mind of God but Can Learn About the Mind of Christ. In Summation, What God Wants From Us is Simply, Totally - Our Bodies.

Romans Study #40, Messiah Reigns
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Tony Hopkins 09/22/2024 Romans 11:25 The Lord Has Set Aside the Nation of Israel and When the Time Comes They Will Be Saved. The Bible is Full of Prophecy, So It is Important to Ask: Who Is He Talking to, When Did He Say it, and Has it Happened Yet?

Romans Study #39, Gentiles Grafted In
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Tony Hopkins 09/15/2024 Romans 11:16 An Outline of the Life and Death (and the Revival) of the Nation of Israel Whose Branches Are Broken Off Because of Unbelief. Following the Fullness of the Gentiles is the Restitution of All Things From the Time of a Peace to the Time When the Knowledge of the Lord Covers the Earth.

Romans Study #38, Saving the House of Israel
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Tony Hopkins 09/08/2024 Romans 11:9 Because They Rejected Him as King, the Lord Temporarily Debases His People (to the Benefit of the Gentiles) to Provoke them to Jealousy and to Get Them to Reading Their Bibles. The Fullness and Preeminence of the Jews Will Return to the Millennial.

Romans Study #37, Let [the Jews'] Eyes Be Darkened
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Tony Hopkins 09/01/2024 1 Peter 1:10 God Forbid That He Should Cast Away His People, but Because of Their Unbelief, They Have Been Given the Spirit of Slumber: Cannot See and Cannot Hear.

August 2024

Romans Study #36, Israel, God's Peculiar Treasure
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Tony Hopkins 08/25/2024 Romans 10:19

God Chose Israel to Be His People, and So They Are. Even Though, Throughout Their History, They Repeatedly Provoked Him to Anger and Jealousy. Finally, When They Rejected Him as Their King, They Forfeited the Kingdom of Heaven (on Earth) for a Time as God Is Currently Provoking Them to Jealousy.

Crossing Over Jordan
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Barry McDonald 08/18/2024 Exodus 12:1-6 Mining for Gems to Discover More of the Substance in the Familiar Account of the Hebrew Children's Crossing Over Jordan into the Promised Land.

Romans Study #35, Essentials for Salvation
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Tony Hopkins 08/11/2024 Romans 10:9-17 No, Not Everyone Who Confesses Christ or Commits Themself to Him Is Saved. Four Essential Points Separate the Gospel of Grace from Easy Believeism. And, the Litmus Test for Salvation: What Are You Trusting to Get You to Heaven? Witnessing Is the Charge to Every Believer; and Direct Parallels Between Our Faith in Jesus Christ and Pagan Sun Worship.
Romans Study #34, The Law of Righteousness
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Tony Hopkins 08/04/2024 Romans 9:27 The Stumbling, Fall, and Redemption of Jews Who, as a Nation, "Built Upon the Sand." For the Outrage of Paul's Preaching That the Gentile Was Included Alongside the Jew in the Church, They Had Paul Thrown Prison and They Rejected the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ.

July 2024

Romans Study #33, Opening the Door to the Gentiles
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Tony Hopkins 07/28/2024 Romans 9:18 The Keys Offered to Peter Were to the Kingdom of Heaven: First Offered to the Jews and Then (When They Rejected the Word) to the Gentiles. The Principle of God Giving Grace to the Humble and Resisting the Proud Carries On as the Mercy is Conditioned Now On What You Do with Jesus Christ -- Whether You Come to God On His Terms.
Romans Study #32, God Giveth Grace to the Humble
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Tony Hopkins 07/21/2024 Romans 9:8 Three Examples (Cain and Abel, Esau and Jacob, Ishmael and Isaac) of the First Birth Is Carnal and the Second Spiritual. Another Principle: God Resisteth the Proud/Giveth Grace to the Humble - But God Will Never Overrule a Person's Will.
Romans Study #31, Israel, Elect of God
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Tony Hopkins 07/14/2024 Romans 9:1 God's Word Was Sent First to the House of Israel, But When They Refused It, It Was Redirected to the Gentiles. Although Israel Is Always Precious to God (and to Paul as Well) Not Every Person Who Is Among the Elected Is Saved -Only Those Who Will Receive God's Word by Faith.
Romans Study #30, The Callings of God and His Commitment To Our Eternal Security
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Tony Hopkins 07/07/2024 Romans 8:30

The Lord Jesus Christ (Manifested in the Flesh) Is the First-Born of the Spirit of God; and All Born-Again Believers Are New Creatures. As Saints, He Has Predestined Us to Be Just Like Him. He Also Calls Us to Be Saved, to Liberty, to Fellowship, to Vocation, to Peace, and to a High Calling. In This Age He Serves as Our High Priest, Offering Intercession for Those Who Are Born-Again Through His Blood.

June 2024

Romans Study #29, Refuting the Proof Text for Calvinism
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Tony Hopkins 06/30/2024 Romans 8:29

By Getting a Firm Grasp on the Biblical Sense of Foreknowledge and Election and Predestination (and Sidestepping Doctrinal Pitfalls Extracted from Unclear Scriptural References), One Can Steer Clear of a Heresy Such as TULIP. Also, Sussing Out the Etymology of [the Greek] "the Express Image of God," We Arrive at a Glorious Picture of Ourselves [the Saints of God] in the World to Come When We Will Be Like Him.

Romans Study #28, All Things Working Together for (Our) Good
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Tony Hopkins 06/23/2024 Romans 8:18 God's Careful Mercy Is Shown to Us Past, Present, and Future of Our Coming to Know Him. We See the Repeated Examples of What Satan Would Mean for Evil, God Means for Good. An Overview of the Regeneration Promised to Us and to All Creation.
Romans Study #27, Fear, Temperance and Suffering
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Tony Hopkins 06/16/2024 Romans 8:14 A Healthy Fear Is Respectful Whereas A Wrong Fear Paralyzes. Scriptural Admonition for Temperance Is A Much Wider Scope Than What Folks Tend To Imagine. The Concept of Suffering, Likewise, Goes Beyond "Persecution"; It Also Takes In the Many Ways We Keep Our Bodies Under Subjection.
Romans Study #26, Victory Over Sin
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Tony Hopkins 06/09/2024 Romans 8:1

The Difference Between Temporal and Eternal Damnation: Since the Christian Has Eternal Life in Christ Jesus His Damnation for Sins Can Only Be Temporal. But When the Unbeliever Receives Consequences for His Sins, His Damnation Is Eternal. Even As Christians, Our Focus Needs To Be On Eternal Fixations and What Will Last. When Our Focus Is On Carnal Objects We Are Blinded and Cannot Discern Between Good and Evil.

Romans Study #25, The Operation of God
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Tony Hopkins 06/02/2024 Romans 7:4 The Struggle Between the Flesh (Old Man) and the Spirit (New Man) Is a Lifelong Battle. After the Operation of God: We Are Born-Again Through the Spirit; We Are Baptized By the Spirit Into the Body of Christ; and We Are Separated From the Flesh. We Must Yield to the Spirit over the Flesh, for Only Jesus Christ Can Give Us Victory over Sin.

May 2024






Romans Study #24, The Cross and the Crown Chapter
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Tony Hopkins 05/26/2024 Romans 6:13 Who's in Charge? The Old Man or the New? Talk about Yielding and Ruling and Power. Examples of Solomon and David, the Fleshly and the Spiritual. Also, Contrast "Power" and "Right."
Romans Study #23, The Superior Second Choice
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Tony Hopkins 05/19/2024 Romans 5:18 The Dichotomy of Carnal vs. Spiritual (First Man, Adam/Last Man, Jesus; Cain/Abel; Ishmael/Isaac; Esau/Jacob-Israel) and Applications in Our Lives in the Areas of Rule, Dominion, and Reign. Therefore, Mortify the Works of the Flesh and Keep Yourself from Sins of Presumption.
Romans Study #22, Federal Headship
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Tony Hopkins 05/12/2024 Romans 5:12-18 Understand: Because Adam Sinned, Sin Was Passed to All Mankind; Because Christ Jesus Is Righteous, His Eternal Life Is Passed onto All Who Are Born Again. The Biblical Order of the Home and of the Church Is a Matter of Accountability: It Is the Chain of Command. Nevertheless, Each and Every Individual Will Choose for Themselves What They'll Do with the Free Gift of Salvation Which Christ Jesus Offers.
Romans Study #21, Saved from the Wrath
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Tony Hopkins 05/05/2024 Romans 5:9-12 Sidebar to Address the Confidence We Can Have in the KJV in the Face of Relentless Criticism, and Review of the Theme of Salvation (Noah, Church) to Offer a Deeper Understanding to Some Folks Who Struggle with That.

April 2024

Romans Study #20, The Sin Debt for All Mankind
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Tony Hopkins 04/28/2024 Romans 5:5 Comparison Between the Lost Man, Who Is Not Righteous and Has No Hope, with the Saved Man, Who Has the Righteousness of Christ and Hope In Christ. It is Not Enough That the Individual Admit Their Guilt Before God, But Payment for That Sin Is Also Required. This Is Equally True for the Jew As Well As the Gentile.
Romans Study #19, The Hope of His Glory
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Tony Hopkins 04/21/2024 Romans 4:20 The Importance of Teaching the Whole Counsel of God Which Covers the Hope We Have with Christ in This Life and the Life to Come. Comparing Our Standing with Christ with Our State.
Romans Study #18, Physical and Spiritual Circumcision
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Tony Hopkins 04/14/2024 Romans 4:11-13 We Look at the Example of Abraham to Understand of the Significance of Both Physical Circumcision and of Spiritual Circumcision; and Also to See--at the Finish of His Life--How the Lifelong Testimony of His Faith Outweighed the Peaks and Valleys of Faith and Unbelief.
Romans Study #17, Abraham, Father of the Faithful
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Tony Hopkins 04/07/2024 Romans 4:1-13 Similitudes Are Used to Draw Lines Betweem the Belief in the Promise God Gave to Abraham and the Saving Faith in the Gospel of Grace That God Offers to Each and Every Soul Alive Today.

March 2024

Romans Study #16, Placing James Doctrinally, Historically
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Tony Hopkins 03/31/2024 James 4:6 Sidebar to the Study of Romans Showing How and Why the Book of James Fits the Preaching of the Kingdom Gospel (Rather Than the Gospel of Grace and the New Birth) and, So, Is More Pertinent to the Heirs of the Kingdom and During the Time of Tribulation.
Romans Study #15, Justified By Faith or By Works
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Tony Hopkins 03/24/2024 Romans 4:1-5 Resolving the Apparent Contradiction Between Paul's Repeated Assertions That Salvation is by Faith Alone and the Words of the Apostle James in Chapter 1. The Confusion Emerges Because of Being Misplaced Dispensationally. Every Passage of New Testament Scripture Must Be Properly Assigned Its Place in Either the Church Age, Tribulation, or the Millennial Rule.
Romans Study #14, Good Things Given Freely
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Tony Hopkins 03/17/2024 Romans 3:24 Starting at the Bottom with the Foundation of Our Salvation--Justification, Redemption, Remission of Sins--to Understand Why Christ Jesus Had to Suffer and Die. Coming to Grips, Too, That Everyone Has a Choice to Make. Even Our First Parents, Adam and Eve. But We Are So Prone to Take the Option for Granted. Also--the Cup That Jesus Drank.
Romans Study #13, A Matter of the Heart
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Tony Hopkins 03/10/2024 Romans 3:8-25 Jews and Gentiles Are Both Guilty Under the Law, and Both Are Saved the Same Way. An Examination of the Ingredients that Are All Part of the Free Salvation of God.
Romans Study #12, Judgments Measured Out
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Tony Hopkins 03/03/2024 Romans 3:3-6 Principles of Truth and Examples of Judgments. Things That the Christian Can Lose By Mistaking Liberty for License.

February 2024

Romans Study #11, More Sure Word of Prophecy
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Tony Hopkins 02/25/2024 (SS) Romans 3:1-3 Listing and Comparing the Ways God Revealed Himself to the Gentiles and to the Jews. Overview of Our Distinguishing American Christian Heritage.
Romans Study #10, Judging Here, Judging There
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Tony Hopkins 02/18/2024 (SS) Romans 2:15-29 Rudiments of the World vs. Rudiments of Christ Reveal Stark, Perspicuous Lines That Disclose the Values of the Carnal Contrasted with the Spiritual. The Word of God Says That If We Would Judge Ourselves, We Should Not Be Judged; and Elsewhere It Speaks of the Queen of the South and the Men of Nineveh Rising Up in Judgement of a Generation That Ignores the Preaching of "One Greater Than Jonah."
Romans Study #9, Conscience and Free Will
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Tony Hopkins 02/11/2024 (SS) Romans 2:12 Still Considering How Gentiles Were Saved in the Old Testament--by Their Individual Conscience. Countering Calvinistic Arguments and Looking at the "Law of Peccability."
Romans Study #8, Soteriology Review
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Tony Hopkins 02/04/2024 (SS) Romans 2:13 Again, Reviewing the Contrast Between Righteousness Under the Law and Under Grace. There Are Ample Examples of Grace In Other Dispensations, But in the Age of Grace It Is Predominant, Even As Judgement Will Be Predominant in the End Time.

January 2024

Romans Study #7, All About Light and Rightly Dividing
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Tony Hopkins

01/28/2024 (SS) Romans 2:6 When One Receives Light from God, God Always Gives More Light. But, "Light Rejected Is 'Lightening.'" And, by Not Rightly Dividing Distinct Dispensations in Which God Progressively Reveals Himself and Deals with Mankind--One Can Seriously Misconstrue the Plain Truth of Scripture.
No Service due to snow   01/21/2024 (SS)  

Romans Study #6, Judgment and Repentance
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Tony Hopkins

01/14/2024 (SS) Romans 2:1-6 Man's Appropriate Judging and God's Holy and Righteous Judgment; Distinction Between Godly Sorrow v. Worldly Sorrow, and Multiple Examples Where It Is Recorded That "God Repented." Proof of the Type of Repentance Is in the Fruit from It.

Romans Study #5, Natural Man's Degeneration
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Tony Hopkins

01/07/2024 (SS) Romans 1:20-32 Evidence of How All of Creation Is a Reflection of God, and the Self-centered Tendency of Man to Corrupt All That God Has Offered Him in Place of Receiving God Himself. True of the Gentiles and Profoundly Evident in the Last of the Church Age.
The Fundamental Top 500