October 2024

Romans Study #44, Love Without Dissimulation
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Tony Hopkins 10/20/2024 Romans 12:9-16 The Truth Hurts, But Negative Messages Are Essential Because God Abhors Sin and Positive, Smooth Words Only Will Never Convict Us of How Great the Cost of Sin Has Been to Our Lord and Saviour. Also: Fire Purifies; and Fire Produces Pressure, and Pressure Produces Precious Stones....

Romans Study #43, Humbleness of Mind
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Tony Hopkins 10/13/2024 Romans 12:3-8 It Is So Important That Brethern Remain Teachable (Even as Apollos Was); Be Mindful That No One in the Church Lives or Dies to Themself. Understand That Measures of Faith and Grace Differ Among Individuals, and That Ministries Vary--Wait [That Is, Attend] to Your [Own] Ministering.

Romans Study #42, Giving of Yourself
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Tony Hopkins 10/06/2024 Romans 12:1-5 The Works that We Do in the Flesh (Gold, Silver, Precious Stones, Wood, Hay, and Stubble) Will Be Tried By Fire (the Word of God). Warning Against Giving Place to the Devil: In Pride or Contention. Every Member of the Church Has a Purpose for the Edification of the Body, None Actually Superior to Another.

September 2024

Romans Study #41, Early Church Transitions
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Tony Hopkins 09/29/2024 Romans 11:29 In the Book of Acts, Gradually the Favor Enjoyed by the Jews is Swapped to the Gentiles. The List We Cannot Know About the Mind of God but Can Learn About the Mind of Christ. In Summation, What God Wants From Us is Simply, Totally - Our Bodies.

Romans Study #40, Messiah Reigns
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Tony Hopkins 09/22/2024 Romans 11:25 The Lord Has Set Aside the Nation of Israel and When the Time Comes They Will Be Saved. The Bible is Full of Prophecy, So It is Important to Ask: Who Is He Talking to, When Did He Say it, and Has it Happened Yet?

Romans Study #39, Gentiles Grafted In
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Tony Hopkins 09/15/2024 Romans 11:16 An Outline of the Life and Death (and the Revival) of the Nation of Israel Whose Branches Are Broken Off Because of Unbelief. Following the Fullness of the Gentiles is the Restitution of All Things From the Time of a Peace to the Time When the Knowledge of the Lord Covers the Earth.

Romans Study #38, Saving the House of Israel
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Tony Hopkins 09/08/2024 Romans 11:9 Because They Rejected Him as King, the Lord Temporarily Debases His People (to the Benefit of the Gentiles) to Provoke them to Jealousy and to Get Them to Reading Their Bibles. The Fullness and Preeminence of the Jews Will Return to the Millennial.

Romans Study #37, Let [the Jews'] Eyes Be Darkened
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Tony Hopkins 09/01/2024 1 Peter 1:10 God Forbid That He Should Cast Away His People, but Because of Their Unbelief, They Have Been Given the Spirit of Slumber: Cannot See and Cannot Hear.

August 2024

Romans Study #36, Israel, God's Peculiar Treasure
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Tony Hopkins 08/25/2024 Romans 10:19

God Chose Israel to Be His People, and So They Are. Even Though, Throughout Their History, They Repeatedly Provoked Him to Anger and Jealousy. Finally, When They Rejected Him as Their King, They Forfeited the Kingdom of Heaven (on Earth) for a Time as God Is Currently Provoking Them to Jealousy.

Crossing Over Jordan
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Barry McDonald 08/18/2024 Exodus 12:1-6 Mining for Gems to Discover More of the Substance in the Familiar Account of the Hebrew Children's Crossing Over Jordan into the Promised Land.

Romans Study #35, Essentials for Salvation
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Tony Hopkins 08/11/2024 Romans 10:9-17 No, Not Everyone Who Confesses Christ or Commits Themself to Him Is Saved. Four Essential Points Separate the Gospel of Grace from Easy Believeism. And, the Litmus Test for Salvation: What Are You Trusting to Get You to Heaven? Witnessing Is the Charge to Every Believer; and Direct Parallels Between Our Faith in Jesus Christ and Pagan Sun Worship.
Romans Study #34, The Law of Righteousness
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Tony Hopkins 08/04/2024 Romans 9:27 The Stumbling, Fall, and Redemption of Jews Who, as a Nation, "Built Upon the Sand." For the Outrage of Paul's Preaching That the Gentile Was Included Alongside the Jew in the Church, They Had Paul Thrown Prison and They Rejected the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ.

July 2024

Romans Study #33, Opening the Door to the Gentiles
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Tony Hopkins 07/28/2024 Romans 9:18 The Keys Offered to Peter Were to the Kingdom of Heaven: First Offered to the Jews and Then (When They Rejected the Word) to the Gentiles. The Principle of God Giving Grace to the Humble and Resisting the Proud Carries On as the Mercy is Conditioned Now On What You Do with Jesus Christ -- Whether You Come to God On His Terms.
Romans Study #32, God Giveth Grace to the Humble
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Tony Hopkins 07/21/2024 Romans 9:8 Three Examples (Cain and Abel, Esau and Jacob, Ishmael and Isaac) of the First Birth Is Carnal and the Second Spiritual. Another Principle: God Resisteth the Proud/Giveth Grace to the Humble - But God Will Never Overrule a Person's Will.
Romans Study #31, Israel, Elect of God
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Tony Hopkins 07/14/2024 Romans 9:1 God's Word Was Sent First to the House of Israel, But When They Refused It, It Was Redirected to the Gentiles. Although Israel Is Always Precious to God (and to Paul as Well) Not Every Person Who Is Among the Elected Is Saved -Only Those Who Will Receive God's Word by Faith.
Romans Study #30, The Callings of God and His Commitment To Our Eternal Security
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Tony Hopkins 07/07/2024 Romans 8:30

The Lord Jesus Christ (Manifested in the Flesh) Is the First-Born of the Spirit of God; and All Born-Again Believers Are New Creatures. As Saints, He Has Predestined Us to Be Just Like Him. He Also Calls Us to Be Saved, to Liberty, to Fellowship, to Vocation, to Peace, and to a High Calling. In This Age He Serves as Our High Priest, Offering Intercession for Those Who Are Born-Again Through His Blood.

June 2024

Romans Study #29, Refuting the Proof Text for Calvinism
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Tony Hopkins 06/30/2024 Romans 8:29

By Getting a Firm Grasp on the Biblical Sense of Foreknowledge and Election and Predestination (and Sidestepping Doctrinal Pitfalls Extracted from Unclear Scriptural References), One Can Steer Clear of a Heresy Such as TULIP. Also, Sussing Out the Etymology of [the Greek] "the Express Image of God," We Arrive at a Glorious Picture of Ourselves [the Saints of God] in the World to Come When We Will Be Like Him.

Romans Study #28, All Things Working Together for (Our) Good
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Tony Hopkins 06/23/2024 Romans 8:18 God's Careful Mercy Is Shown to Us Past, Present, and Future of Our Coming to Know Him. We See the Repeated Examples of What Satan Would Mean for Evil, God Means for Good. An Overview of the Regeneration Promised to Us and to All Creation.
Romans Study #27, Fear, Temperance and Suffering
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Tony Hopkins 06/16/2024 Romans 8:14 A Healthy Fear Is Respectful Whereas A Wrong Fear Paralyzes. Scriptural Admonition for Temperance Is A Much Wider Scope Than What Folks Tend To Imagine. The Concept of Suffering, Likewise, Goes Beyond "Persecution"; It Also Takes In the Many Ways We Keep Our Bodies Under Subjection.
Romans Study #26, Victory Over Sin
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Tony Hopkins 06/09/2024 Romans 8:1

The Difference Between Temporal and Eternal Damnation: Since the Christian Has Eternal Life in Christ Jesus His Damnation for Sins Can Only Be Temporal. But When the Unbeliever Receives Consequences for His Sins, His Damnation Is Eternal. Even As Christians, Our Focus Needs To Be On Eternal Fixations and What Will Last. When Our Focus Is On Carnal Objects We Are Blinded and Cannot Discern Between Good and Evil.

Romans Study #25, The Operation of God
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Tony Hopkins 06/02/2024 Romans 7:4 The Struggle Between the Flesh (Old Man) and the Spirit (New Man) Is a Lifelong Battle. After the Operation of God: We Are Born-Again Through the Spirit; We Are Baptized By the Spirit Into the Body of Christ; and We Are Separated From the Flesh. We Must Yield to the Spirit over the Flesh, for Only Jesus Christ Can Give Us Victory over Sin.

May 2024






Romans Study #24, The Cross and the Crown Chapter
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Tony Hopkins 05/26/2024 Romans 6:13 Who's in Charge? The Old Man or the New? Talk about Yielding and Ruling and Power. Examples of Solomon and David, the Fleshly and the Spiritual. Also, Contrast "Power" and "Right."
Romans Study #23, The Superior Second Choice
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Tony Hopkins 05/19/2024 Romans 5:18 The Dichotomy of Carnal vs. Spiritual (First Man, Adam/Last Man, Jesus; Cain/Abel; Ishmael/Isaac; Esau/Jacob-Israel) and Applications in Our Lives in the Areas of Rule, Dominion, and Reign. Therefore, Mortify the Works of the Flesh and Keep Yourself from Sins of Presumption.
Romans Study #22, Federal Headship
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Tony Hopkins 05/12/2024 Romans 5:12-18 Understand: Because Adam Sinned, Sin Was Passed to All Mankind; Because Christ Jesus Is Righteous, His Eternal Life Is Passed onto All Who Are Born Again. The Biblical Order of the Home and of the Church Is a Matter of Accountability: It Is the Chain of Command. Nevertheless, Each and Every Individual Will Choose for Themselves What They'll Do with the Free Gift of Salvation Which Christ Jesus Offers.
Romans Study #21, Saved from the Wrath
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Tony Hopkins 05/05/2024 Romans 5:9-12 Sidebar to Address the Confidence We Can Have in the KJV in the Face of Relentless Criticism, and Review of the Theme of Salvation (Noah, Church) to Offer a Deeper Understanding to Some Folks Who Struggle with That.

April 2024

Romans Study #20, The Sin Debt for All Mankind
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Tony Hopkins 04/28/2024 Romans 5:5 Comparison Between the Lost Man, Who Is Not Righteous and Has No Hope, with the Saved Man, Who Has the Righteousness of Christ and Hope In Christ. It is Not Enough That the Individual Admit Their Guilt Before God, But Payment for That Sin Is Also Required. This Is Equally True for the Jew As Well As the Gentile.
Romans Study #19, The Hope of His Glory
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Tony Hopkins 04/21/2024 Romans 4:20 The Importance of Teaching the Whole Counsel of God Which Covers the Hope We Have with Christ in This Life and the Life to Come. Comparing Our Standing with Christ with Our State.
Romans Study #18, Physical and Spiritual Circumcision
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Tony Hopkins 04/14/2024 Romans 4:11-13 We Look at the Example of Abraham to Understand of the Significance of Both Physical Circumcision and of Spiritual Circumcision; and Also to See--at the Finish of His Life--How the Lifelong Testimony of His Faith Outweighed the Peaks and Valleys of Faith and Unbelief.
Romans Study #17, Abraham, Father of the Faithful
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Tony Hopkins 04/07/2024 Romans 4:1-13 Similitudes Are Used to Draw Lines Betweem the Belief in the Promise God Gave to Abraham and the Saving Faith in the Gospel of Grace That God Offers to Each and Every Soul Alive Today.

March 2024

Romans Study #16, Placing James Doctrinally, Historically
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Tony Hopkins 03/31/2024 James 4:6 Sidebar to the Study of Romans Showing How and Why the Book of James Fits the Preaching of the Kingdom Gospel (Rather Than the Gospel of Grace and the New Birth) and, So, Is More Pertinent to the Heirs of the Kingdom and During the Time of Tribulation.
Romans Study #15, Justified By Faith or By Works
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Tony Hopkins 03/24/2024 Romans 4:1-5 Resolving the Apparent Contradiction Between Paul's Repeated Assertions That Salvation is by Faith Alone and the Words of the Apostle James in Chapter 1. The Confusion Emerges Because of Being Misplaced Dispensationally. Every Passage of New Testament Scripture Must Be Properly Assigned Its Place in Either the Church Age, Tribulation, or the Millennial Rule.
Romans Study #14, Good Things Given Freely
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Tony Hopkins 03/17/2024 Romans 3:24 Starting at the Bottom with the Foundation of Our Salvation--Justification, Redemption, Remission of Sins--to Understand Why Christ Jesus Had to Suffer and Die. Coming to Grips, Too, That Everyone Has a Choice to Make. Even Our First Parents, Adam and Eve. But We Are So Prone to Take the Option for Granted. Also--the Cup That Jesus Drank.
Romans Study #13, A Matter of the Heart
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Tony Hopkins 03/10/2024 Romans 3:8-25 Jews and Gentiles Are Both Guilty Under the Law, and Both Are Saved the Same Way. An Examination of the Ingredients that Are All Part of the Free Salvation of God.
Romans Study #12, Judgments Measured Out
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Tony Hopkins 03/03/2024 Romans 3:3-6 Principles of Truth and Examples of Judgments. Things That the Christian Can Lose By Mistaking Liberty for License.

February 2024

Romans Study #11, More Sure Word of Prophecy
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Tony Hopkins 02/25/2024 (SS) Romans 3:1-3 Listing and Comparing the Ways God Revealed Himself to the Gentiles and to the Jews. Overview of Our Distinguishing American Christian Heritage.
Romans Study #10, Judging Here, Judging There
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Tony Hopkins 02/18/2024 (SS) Romans 2:15-29 Rudiments of the World vs. Rudiments of Christ Reveal Stark, Perspicuous Lines That Disclose the Values of the Carnal Contrasted with the Spiritual. The Word of God Says That If We Would Judge Ourselves, We Should Not Be Judged; and Elsewhere It Speaks of the Queen of the South and the Men of Nineveh Rising Up in Judgement of a Generation That Ignores the Preaching of "One Greater Than Jonah."
Romans Study #9, Conscience and Free Will
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Tony Hopkins 02/11/2024 (SS) Romans 2:12 Still Considering How Gentiles Were Saved in the Old Testament--by Their Individual Conscience. Countering Calvinistic Arguments and Looking at the "Law of Peccability."
Romans Study #8, Soteriology Review
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Tony Hopkins 02/04/2024 (SS) Romans 2:13 Again, Reviewing the Contrast Between Righteousness Under the Law and Under Grace. There Are Ample Examples of Grace In Other Dispensations, But in the Age of Grace It Is Predominant, Even As Judgement Will Be Predominant in the End Time.

January 2024

Romans Study #7, All About Light and Rightly Dividing
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Tony Hopkins

01/28/2024 (SS) Romans 2:6 When One Receives Light from God, God Always Gives More Light. But, "Light Rejected Is 'Lightening.'" And, by Not Rightly Dividing Distinct Dispensations in Which God Progressively Reveals Himself and Deals with Mankind--One Can Seriously Misconstrue the Plain Truth of Scripture.
No Service due to snow   01/21/2024 (SS)  

Romans Study #6, Judgment and Repentance
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Tony Hopkins

01/14/2024 (SS) Romans 2:1-6 Man's Appropriate Judging and God's Holy and Righteous Judgment; Distinction Between Godly Sorrow v. Worldly Sorrow, and Multiple Examples Where It Is Recorded That "God Repented." Proof of the Type of Repentance Is in the Fruit from It.

Romans Study #5, Natural Man's Degeneration
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Tony Hopkins

01/07/2024 (SS) Romans 1:20-32 Evidence of How All of Creation Is a Reflection of God, and the Self-centered Tendency of Man to Corrupt All That God Has Offered Him in Place of Receiving God Himself. True of the Gentiles and Profoundly Evident in the Last of the Church Age.

December 2023

Romans Study #4, People Can Know
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Tony Hopkins

12/31/2023 (SS) Romans 1:16-21 God's Witnesses in the Earth Since the Beginning of Time for All People, Particularly Gentiles, Run the Gamut from Creation-Conscience-Dreams-Prophets-Angels to God's Word. Examples All Along the Way. Testimony on the KJV Bible and Account of How He Came to Be Born Again.
No Service This Morning   12/24/2023 (SS)  

Romans Study #3, The Called
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Tony Hopkins

12/17/2023 (SS) Romans 1:6-14 In His Opening Dedicatory Passage, Paul Addresses "The Called" Who Are Called "Of God" in the Manner of Being Born From God Like Kinfolk Are of the Same Kind. This Calling Has a Purpose. Even as a Charge or Task Has a Purpose; and Our Purpose as Born Again Children of God Is to Bear Fruit.

Romans Study #2, Progressive Revelation
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Tony Hopkins

12/10/2023 (SS) Romans 1:5 Comparing Scripture with Scripture, We Follow the Prophecies and Historical Events to Come to the Book of Romans. Plotting Through the Book of Acts, We See How the Jews (with Regard to the Preaching of the Gospel of the Grace of God) Stumble, Fall, and Diminish. This Progression Will Be Reversed at the End of the Times of the Gentiles.

Romans Study #1, Overview and Introductions
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Tony Hopkins

12/03/2023 (SS) Romans 1:1-4 Romans Is a Doctrinal Book Teaching That We Are Saved by Faith Plus Nothing. Applications of Scripture Are Historical, Doctrinal/Prophetic, and Practical/Spiritual (Which Is Instruction for Righteousness). Paul Introduces Himself as a Servant, First of All.

November 2023

God Is Our Refuge
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Shawn McDaniel

11/26/2023 (SS) Psalms 46 A Bout of Altitude Sickness Vividly Illustrates God's Shelter Surrounding Us in Times of Trouble and the Example of a Mother Hen.

Salvation vs. Discipleship
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Tony Hopkins

11/19/2023 (SS) Acts 11:26 Understanding the Very Important Differences Between Salvation and Discipleship; Gifts and Rewards; Sonship and Fellowship.

My High Tower
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Barry McDonald

11/12/2023 (SS) II Samuel 22:3 From Scripture and Illustrated by Personal Experience, Lessons of: "God Is Our High Tower, Always Has Our Position Locked on His Radar"; and "He Chooses the Time."

The Abomination of a False Balance
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Keith Tekell

11/05/2023 (SS) Isaiah 30:9-15
II Chronicles 18
Proverbs 11:6
There Came a Time When God's Own People Tired of the Old Paths and the Instruction of God's Word But Sought, Instead, Smooth Words and "New, Improved" Ways. We Look at the Example in the League of Jehoshaphat with Ahab. A "False Balance" Is a Mixture Where the Holy Spirit Is Not Leading Nor Heard. Such Idolatry Can Be Seen Even in Ministry to God.

October 2023

Revelation #15, The Wrath of God--the Reason for the Judgments
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David Vallance

10/29/2023 (SS) Revelation 15-16 The Family Squabble in the Middle East That Will Bring on WWIII. Description of Noah's Three Sons and Their Racial Characteristics. Three World Wars and Their Purpose Were Described by Albert Pike in 1877. The Aptness of the Plagues Poured Out Upon the Earth Where, in Short, God Takes What's on the Inside and Brings It Out.
Faith in the Midst of Darkness
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Keith Tekell

10/22/2023 (SS) Habakkuk 1-3 The Background to Habakkuk's Prophesying and an Article by Linda Kimball Describing America's Parallel Condition. Habakkuk Is Confused by God's Use of the Chaldeans to Judge His People; But He Decides to Wait on the Lord for Understanding, and God Gives Him the Truth, the Timing, and the Trustworthiness of the Almighty. "The Just Shall Live by Faith."
Revelation #14, The Family of God and Final Destruction of This World
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David Vallance

10/15/2023 (SS) Revelation 14:1-20 Mention the War in Gaza. Look at the 144,000 Male Jewish Virgins and How Their Mission Field Resembles Paul's in the Number of Cities Visited by Each. Also, Particulars of How Israel Will Be Saved During the Tribulation.
Revelation #13, The Beast System Is Here
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David Vallance

10/08/2023 (SS) Revelation 13:1-18 A Study of the Antichrist: His Bow and His Crowns; the Places Represented by His Crowns; How He Arrives and What He Does. Also, Consideration of His Helper, the False Prophet, and Clues to Technology Already On Hand Which Could Well Serve to Control the Population as Foretold in Scripture.
Revelation #12, And There Appeared a Great Wonder in Heaven
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David Vallance

10/01/2023 (SS) Revelation 12:1-17 God Had Adam to Name All the Animals and Trees, But He Numbered and Named the Stars Himself. Astrology--the Study of Stars--Relates the Constellations and All the Witness in the Heavens to God's Plan, Start to Finish.

September 2023

The Study of Galatians #6, Why the Dissimulation of Peter
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Caleb Wilson

09/24/2023 (SS) Galatians 2:9-13 It Was Already Established That the Gospel of the Grace of God Was for the Gentiles, Same as the Jews; and It Had Already Been Determined That the Gentiles Who Received Christ Need Not Be Saddled with the Law on Top of That. But, for Fear of Men, Peter Succumbed to Two-faced Behavior; and for that Open Sin Against the Gospel of Christ, Paul Publically Rebuked Him.
Revelation #11, The Coming Prince
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David Vallance

09/17/2023 (SS) Revelation 11:1-19 In Verses 1-2 of Our Text, the Temple Is Measured Out. Information About the Exact Location of the Temple Is Discussed. Then, the Two Witnesses Are Empowered and Prophesy Until the Antichrist Temporarily Beheads Them; They Ascent to Heaven.... Answers Regarding "the Man of Sin"/"the Son of Perdition."
Revelation #10, The Little Book and the Seven Cryptic Thunders
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David Vallance

09/10/2023 (SS) Revelation 10:1-2 The Seventh Angel Came Down and Set His Right Foot Upon the Sea and His Left Foot Upon the Earth as to Assert Dominion over the Things Therein. Correlation of the Days of Creation to the Whole of Mankind's History. Examples of Psych-ops (PSYOP) andWhat It Can Achieve.
Godly Wisdom vs. Worldly Wisdom
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Keith Tekell

09/03/2023 (SS) Proverbs 9:10
James 3:13-18
"Fear of the Lord Is the Beginning of Wisdom": Understanding the Difference Between the Lost Man's Fear of the Lord and the Believer's Fear of Lord. In James: Godly Wisdom Superlative to All Other Possessions; Valuable Practical Tips in Discernment; and Four Things That Will Wipe Out Godly Wisdom. In Summary, the Preaching of the Cross Is the Wisdom of God.

August 2023

The Study of Galatians #5, The Gospel Being Proved
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Caleb Wilson 08/27/2023 (SS) Galatians 2:1-10
Acts 15:1-4
Delving into Some of the Earliest of Church History, We See from Paul's Account as Well as from the Record from Luke (in Acts) How It Was Established (and Later Confirmed) That the Jewish Rite of Circumcision Had No Bearing on One's Salvation through Belief in the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. But, It Was a Cultural Issue as in the Case of Timothy.
Revelation #9, The Seven Trumpets: The Longsuffering of God Is Over
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David Vallance 08/20/2023 (SS) Revelation 8 - 9 God's Endtime Judgment Is Foretold in Isaiah 13:9 and Described, Too, by David in Psalm 59. All of the Trumpet Judgments Come In Quick Quick Quick Succession. "Out of the Sea" and "Out of the Earth" Are Put Forward as Literal, and Avatars Are Mentioned.
Know This: Only Those Whose Sins Are Forgiven Are Spared the Wrath of the Lamb. Now Is the Day of Salvation: Believe In the Who of God's Salvation -- And In the WHAT.
The Wiles and Snares of the Devil
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Keith Tekell 08/13/2023 (SS) Psalms 11
Judges 13-16
Proverbs 5:7; 7
David Says, If the Foundations Be Destroyed, What Can the Righteous Do? The Devil Begins His Campaign of Destroying the Christian by Sowing a Wrong Thought--the Father of the Deed. Snares Are Distractions: Seductions That Turn Us from God. The Poignant Example of Samson.
Problems with the NKJV
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Rick Owens 08/06/2023 (SS) Zechariah 13:6 One Can Get Saved from Any Version of the Bible or Without a Bible at All, but the Believer Cannot Grow Right Without the Perfect Word of God. Note: Any Change or Alteration from Perfection Is No Longer Perfect. Enter the New King James Bible, Trying to Piggyback Off the Classic Original.

July 2023

Study of Galatians #4, Paul Defends His Apostolic Authority
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Caleb Wilson 07/30/2023 (SS)

Galatians 1:17-24
Acts 9:2-14

Learning Is Either Good or Wicked. Saul Was Very Learned in Pharisee-ism; But after He Met Christ, He Learned More Fully from Familiar Scriptures and Later from Personal Tutelage by God Himself That Jesus Was the Son of God and, Moreover, That He Is the Very Christ--the Anticipated Messiah. All That Paul Learned, He Straightway Proclaimed.
Revelation #8, Everything That God Warned Us About Is Happening
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David Vallance 07/23/2023 (SS) Revelation 7:1-17 A Look at When God Is Finished with a Nation, as He Got to That Point with Israel. Also, Details Regarding the 144,000 Who Will Have the Seal of the Living in the Time of the Tribulation; and a Revelation from the Order of the Tribes of Israel as Listed in Revelation 7.
The Law and the Christian, Conclusion
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Rick Owens 07/16/2023 (SS) 1 Timothy 1:8-10

The Law Is Not for the Righteous; the Law Is for the Lawbreakers: to Prove Them Guilty. Believers' Righteousness Is by the Grace of Our Saviour, But Lawful Usage of the Law Is Still to Show Up God's Expectations of His Children. And, Understanding That the Biblical Mention of "Fallen from Grace" [Galatians 5:4] Is Not Loss of Salvation; Rather, It Is a Reverting from Relying on the Grace of God to Attempting to Work It Out Oneself.

Choose You This Day Whom You Will Serve
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Keith Tekell 07/09/2023 (SS)

Daniel 1:1-2
Joshua 24:14-15

Nebuchadnezzar's Persistent Self-Relient Attitude of Heart Epitomizes Fundamental Wrongs in Our Age As Well; Contrast with Daniel Who Consistently Witnessed and Prophesied Before Him. Note: Except We [Personally] Resolve to Do Right, We. Will. Drift.
Ah! AI Idols Among Us Already.
Study of Galatians #3, Defending the Gospel
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Caleb Wilson 07/02/2023 (SS) Galatians 1:11-17 The Gospel of Jesus Christ Is Not of Man's Construct, But from the Creator God. More Than Personal Convictions, We Need to Have Spiritual Convictions. We Must Defend the Gospel--In Every Generation and in Every Home.

June 2023

Revelation #7, The Great Delusion
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David Vallance 06/25/2023 (SS)

Revelation 6:1-17
Revelation 8:1-2

The Dwelling Place of UFO Occupants, and Suggestion as the Origin of the AntiChrist. Seals 1 Through 6 Are Opened: the Four Horsemen; the Tribulation Saints Cry to for Their Blood to be Avenged; Sun Is Darkened and Stars Fall to Earth. Peak at the Seventh Seal in Revelation 8:1-2.
The Law and the Christian
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Rick Owens 06/18/2023 (SS) Nehemiah 8:2-3 What Is the Law, All the Law? Whoever Has Entirely Kept It? What Is Its Purpose and What Are Its Limitations? The Passover Was Central to the Law, and Now Jesus Is Our Passover. Likewise, Until You Are Born Again Through Christ Jesus, You Are Living [Condemned] Under the Law.
Assurance Under Attack
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Keith Tekell 06/11/2023 (SS)

1 John 5:11-13
Isaiah 32:17
Isaiah 26:3

Although There Are Many Teachers and Preachers That Have Their Own List of Faults and Infractions That "Prove" One "Is Not, Has Never" Been Saved, They Propagate Satan's Work and Cause Much Confusion. But [Numerous] Scriptures Are Plain That "He Who Hath the Son, Hath Life"; and We Are Kept by Our Lord Jesus Christ--Certainly Not by Ourselves.
Study of Galatians #2, Their Problem
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Caleb Wilson 06/04/2023 (SS) Galatians 1:6-10 Next, Paul Wades into the Cause for His Epistle: Their Audacious Departure from the Pure Gospel of Christ Which Paul Had Painstakingly Presented to Them. The Outline for This Passage: (1) The Problem, (2) the Perverters, (3) Penalty, and (4) the Appeased.

May 2023

Revelation #6, The Unopened Book
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David Vallance 05/28/2023 (SS)
Revelation 5:1-14
Jeremiah 32:6
In the Account of Jeremiah Performing the Office of Kinsman Redeemer, There Is a Evidence of the Purchase Both Sealed and Open. The Prophecy Given to Daniel, God Told Him to Seal. John Was Told the Book He Wrote Was to Be Open. Review the Qualifications of the Kinsman Redeemer.
Promotion Sunday

(No Audio Only)
  05/21/2023 (SS) Sunday School Classes Report on the Past Year's Activities and Recognize Those Who Are Advancing to the Next Level.
Study of Galatians #1, Introduction
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Caleb Wilson 05/14/2023 (SS) Galatians 1:1-5 Right at the Start, in Respective Verses, the Letter to the Galatians Affirms: (1) the Genuine Apostle, (2) the Genuine Faith, (3) the Grace of God, (4) the Given Sacrifice, and (5) Glory That Is Due.
Battle Ready Faith
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Keith Tekell 05/07/2023 (SS) Judges 6-7 In the Life and Calling of Gideon We Recognize Three Lessons Illustrating What God Wants from His Soldiers: Vision, Valor, and Vigilance. And Seeing Significance in the Battle Itself: Their Strategy of Surrounded the Enemy and Surprising Them with Lamps Hidden in Clay Pitchers and Trumpet Sounds.

April 2023

Anticipating the Rapture
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Rick Owens 04/30/2023 (SS) I Corinthians 15:51-58 The Rapture Is a Mystery, Yet Seen in Type in the Old Testament, and Described in the Song of Solomon. Jesus Himself Alludes to the Rapture When Speaking to Martha and Early in John 14. Distinctions Between the Rapture (Private, Personal) and the Second Coming. Some Conjecture About What Will Be Left in the Wake.
Revelation #5, An Observation from Heaven
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David Vallance 04/23/2023 (SS) Revelation 4:1-11 The Philadelphia Church Age Lasted for 200 Years, during 1600-1700. In the Early 1800s Came In a Relaxation of Separation from the Catholic Church (a Primary Reason this Country Was Founded), Then a Slew of Alternate Religions. Twenty & Twenty-first Centuries -- More of Satan's Onslaughts. Ah, But in Rev. 4 - First Picture of Heaven We'll See When We Are Caught Up in the Rapture.
Grow and Mature
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Caleb Wilson 04/16/2023 (SS) I John 2:12-14 First, a Quick Review of What Marks Us as Christians in the "Common Faith." Then, Defining the Levels of Maturity: Fathers (Mothers), Young Men (Women), and Little Children. Surprising: the Comparisons the Apostle Paul Uses That Show His Spiritual Growth.
The Certainty of the Gospel
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Keith Tekell 04/09/2023 (SS) I Corinthians 15:1-8
Romans 1:16

The World Would Persuade People That There Are Many Ways to God (If There's Even a Need to Approach Him--If He Exists). But the Gospel of the Grace of God Is the Good News: Foretold in Scripture, Which Fulfillment (Without God) Is Astronomically Improbable; and, Furthermore, Irrefutably Convincing by Hundreds of Eye Witnesses and Recorded by Numerous Historians.

Christian Joy
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Rick Owens 04/02/2023 (SS) John 17:1-13

In Jesus' Prayer to the Father, He Asked That the People He Was Given Might Have His Joy Fulfilled in Themselves. This Joy Should be Ours Because Jesus Is Ours and His Promises Are Sure--Never Mind Sorrows and Trials and Untoward Surprises. To Experience This Joy, Cleave to the Saviour--for Salvation Is Our Possession Now.

March 2023

Revelation #4. Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea
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David Vallance 03/26/2023 (SS) Revelation 3:1-22

The Last Three Churches Here Are Grouped in Chapter 3. Sardis Is Parallel to Deuteronomy and Is Also Associated with the Parable of the Hidden Treasure and the Psalm About the Virtuous Woman. The Blood of Sardis' Martyrs Brought in the Philadelphia Age, Which Lines Up with Joshua and with the Parable of the Pearl of Great Price.

Snakes Among Us
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Keith Tekell 03/19/2023 (SS) Jude 4, 17-19
I Peter 5:8
Colossians 2:8
The Corruption of the World Is Infiltrating the Church, Carried in by Ungodly Men (Open Sinners and Irreverent) Who Espouse "I'm Okay, You're Okay" Instead of Sound Doctrine. Excerpt from Writer Who Rejected the Necessity of the Cross by Reasoning from His Own Perception. Similarly, False Teachers Promote Popular Philosophies as They Have No Personal Knowledge of God.
Dual Nature of the Believer
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Rick Owens 03/12/2023 (SS) I Corinthians 10:13 That Born-Again Believers Must Still Contend with Sin (So Long as They're in this Flesh) Is Undeniable, But It Is Never an Excuse. Sin Is Bad, Period. So That We Might Recognize the Differences, Paul Lists the Characteristics of the Old/Carnal Nature and the New/Spiritual Nature; and He Gives Advice on Walking in the Spirit.
Who's Your Master?
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Caleb Wilson 03/05/2023 (SS) John 8:31-36 Expository Teaching Making Clear That the Natural, Lost Man Is the Slave of Sin (Free from Righteousness), But the Born-Again Person Is Free from Sin, Ruled by God. Speaking, too, of Those Who Join Up with God's People But Quit When the Going Gets Tough; and Those Who Fall, Being Overcome by a Sin.

February 2023

Revelation #3. Pergamos and Thyatira
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David Vallance 02/26/2023 (SS) Revelation 2:12-29 Pergamos Means "Much Marriage" or, more like, "Much Compromise." Pergamos Was When the Roman Officials Tried to Win the Christians Over to Their League. Subsequently, Pergamos Produced Thyatira -- i.e., the Catholic Church (Which Hearkens Back to Nimrod and) Was the Church Age of the Dark Ages.
Sacred Fire of the American Pulpit
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Chuck Harding 02/19/2023 (SS) I Samuel 3:1-12
Isaiah 33:22
The Solidly Biblical Foundations of Our Profoundly Unique Government Were First Envisioned by the Pilgrims as They Set Sail to Freedom and Were Then Stirred by the Colonial Pastors in Prelude to the War of Independence.
Are You Fretting--or Trusting?
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Keith Tekell 02/12/2023 (SS) Psalm 37:1-40 Troubles Are Always All Around--Because of the Machinations of Satan and Simply Because We Are Members of the Human Race. The Lord Commands Us to "Fret Not." (In Truth, Our Anxiety Is an Insult to God's Promise of Providing.) Four Precepts God Gives Us to Keep Us from Worry.
Filled with the Holy Ghost
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Rick Owens 02/05/2023 (SS) Acts 2:1-8 Dealing First with Problems in the Pentecostals' Teachings of Being Filled with the Spirit of God Soundly Resolves Common Confusion About What "Speaking in Tongues" Is and For What Reason. Then, to What End Is Being Baptized with the Holy Ghost "and with Fire."

January 2023

Revelation 2: Past, Present & Future
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David Vallance 01/29/2023 (SS) Revelation 2:1-29 Looking at the Letters to Ephesus, Smyrna, and (the start of) Pergamos: Correlating Each with Old Testament Books, New Testament Scripture, and Their Place in History and in Prophecy.
Give Heed to the Word of God
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Caleb Wilson 01/22/2023 (SS) I Timothy 4:13 Paul's Instructions to the Young, Timid Timothy Left Behind in Ephesus to Combat Errors That Had Crept In from Appointed Leaders Who Had Gotten Off Track Are Precisely the Same Prescription We Need: Read the Scripture with Comprehension; Admonish/Encourage Others with the Word; Teach They How.
In the Valley of Despair
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Keith Tekell 01/15/2023 (SS)

Psalm 42
Psalm 13:1-2

Those Who Find Themselves Low of Heart Are in Great Company. David, Particularly, Describes the Ache and Presents the Steps to Resolution: Inward Look to Yourself, Then Upward Look to God (the Tender Rock). In Job's Words, "Tho He Slay Me, Yet Will I Trust Him"--a Focused, Outward Look.
Hindrances to Revival, Part 2
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Rick Owens 01/08/2023 (SS) Jeremiah 48:11-12 O! How the Church Is "Settled on Its Lees" and in Dire Need of Cleansing from Both Sins of the Flesh and of the Spirit Which Can Only Be Accomplished by the Washing of the Word of God.
Revelation Chapter 1
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David Vallance 01/01/2023 (SS) Revelation 1:1-20 Daniel's Book of Prophecy Which He Wrote, He Was Told to Seal Up. The Book of Prophesy John Was Told to Write, He's Told Not to Seal. Verses 12-16 Gives Detailed Description of Jesus Christ in His Shining Brilliance as the Righteous Judge.

December 2022

-No Sunday School Today-   12/25/2022 (SS)  
Miracles of Jesus
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Caleb Wilson 12/18/2022 (SS) John 11:1 Review of the Miracles Jesus Performed, All of Which Demonstrated His Deity, His Compassion, and His Care. Although Acclaimed for Biblical Knowledge and Teaching, Broken People Need to Know, Too, That Jesus Understands Their Emotions.
The Hell-bent Way of Cain
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Keith Tekell 12/11/2022 (SS) Genesis 4:1-16
Jude 10-11
Cain Was the Founder of the First False Religion; and Every Mark of the True Religion (the Word of God, the Work of Christ, and the Witness of the Spirit), Cain Replaced with His Own Carnally Reasoned, Physically Appealing, and Self-Satisfying Offering for Which--When God Rejected It--Cain Openly Rebelled.
Concerning Revival
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Rick Owens 12/04/2022 (SS) Psalm 8:6 Really, We Can No Longer Expect Worldwide (or Even Widespread) Revival, But Personal or Churchwide Are Depicted in the Christ's Letter to the Laodiceans. However! We Tend to Allow Hindrances to Interfere: Lack of Prayer, Lack of Bible Study, Carnal Living, and Giving Place to the Devil.

November 2022

They Knew Not When the Spirit of God Had Departed
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David Vallance 11/27/2022 (SS) Judges 16:20
Revelation 2 - 3

Isaiah 3:1-9
Vow by Vow, Samson Shed His Nazarite Commitment to God; the Hair Was the Last. It Gone--Samson Didn't Even Know the God Was No Longer With Him. Israel as a Nation Along the Same Path as Samson, and the Church Followed as Israel.
Live Looking [for Jesus' Return]
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Caleb Wilson 11/20/2022 (SS) I Peter 4:7 Our Text Reads That "the End of All Things Is at Hand"; Statistics Showing Our Further Decline: Culturally and Religiously. Compelling Exhortation to Attend and Be Involved in a Local Assembly of Believers: For Accountability, Instruction, Fellowship, and Ministry.
Bera'shith -- In the Beginning
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David Vallance 11/13/2022 (SS)

Genesis 1:1-2
Isaiah 45:1-25

Jeremiah 4: 23-31

"The Rest of the Story" Which Occurred Earlier; Parallels Between Adam and Noah; Seven Ages of Earth; God's Purpose for Keeping Satan Around Still; and Why God Has a Means of Salvation for Mankind (But Not for the Sons of God).
God's Pensioners in His House
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Keith Tekell 11/06/2022 (SS)

Psalm 84

The Sons of Korah Lead the Worship in the Temple. Generations Before, the Sons of Korah Chose God Over Their Rebellious Father and Family. "God's Pensioners" Refers to the Sparrows and the Swallows That Nest in the Temple. They Are an Example of the Provision of God and the Rest of God.

October 2022

Eternal Security
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Rick Owens 10/30/2022 (SS) John 5:24 Early On, a Quick Comparison of Everlasting and Eternal. Then, Point by Point Basis for Knowing That Our Salvation, Just as Our Saviour, Is Forever and Ever.
A Visible Witness/Remembering the Atonement
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Caleb Wilson 10/23/2022 (SS) Hebrews 10:19:25 Because of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ's Complete Obliteration of the Sin Barrier That Had Kept Us Alienated from God, We Are Now Graciously Invited to Enter into His Throne Room, and We Are Further Encouraged to "Draw Near," "Hold Fast," and "Consider One Another"--Which Altogether Produces a Outward Substantiation of the Inward Transformation God Wrought in Us When We Became Born Again of His Spirit.
Talents and Pounds, Parables and Types
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David Vallance 10/16/2022 (SS) Isaiah 33:13 How to Study the Bible and to Understand Scripture. Specifically, Comparing and Contrasting the Parable of the Talents in Mt. 25 (directed to the Jews) with the Parable of the Pounds in Luke 19 (for the [Gentile] Church).
Saved by His Life
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Keith Tekell 10/09/2022 (SS)

Romans 5:1-10
Romans 4:20-25

Much Confusion Is Caused by the Notion That One Must Do Some Sort of Work to Achieve or Maintain Their Own Salvation. Not So. But! From Meeting Jesus at the Cross, We Can Go On to Follow Our Risen Saviour--to Fellowship, to Serve, to Witness.... And, "He Ever Liveth to Make Intercession for [Us]."
Church Discipline - Accountable Leadership Part II
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Caleb Wilson 10/02/2022 (SS) Ephesians 4:11-12
I Thessalonians 3:10
Examples of Leadership Within the Church. Purpose of the Bishop is to be Saved, Shepherd His Flock and be Led by the Holy Ghost. Qualifications From Timothy for a Bishop to Meet.

September 2022

The Song of Moses: Part II
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David Vallance 09/25/2022 (SS) Deuteronomy 32:31-44 The Rock, Branch and Vine Are Attributes of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Moses' Warning to Israel, Before His Death, of the Time for Future Judgment. Comparing the Book of Esther to the Tribulation Period and Noting Certain Imminent Dates Relative to Israel.
When God Leaves You Alone
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Caleb Wilson 09/18/2022 (SS) Isaiah 50:10 When You Don't Feel the Presence of God and the Lights Go Out, Remember to Walk in the Path of Obedience, Faith and Trust in the Lord. God Will Work Out Something Greater Through the Trial for His Purpose.
The Song of Moses: A Warning from the Rock of Ages
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David Vallance 09/11/2022 (SS) Deuteronomy 31-32 The Song That God Gave Moses to Teach the People Will Also Be Sung in Heaven. Application Can Be Made for the Jews and for the Church. The Lord Jesus Christ is Our Rock. Make Sure You Have the Right Rock.
Are You Ready for Battle?
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Keith Tekell 09/04/2022 (SS) II Corinthians 10:3-4
Ephesians 6:10-18
The Supernatural Battle Continues and Wily Satan Desires to Take the Reins to Conquer and Rule. The Word of God (Our Sword) Prepares Us to be Soldiers and Equips Us for the Fight. By It We Also Learn to Lean On and Draw Closer to our God.

August 2022

The State of the Church
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Rick Owens 08/28/2022 (SS) Revelation 3:1-22 The Various Church Ages, Starting With the Church of Ephesus, and What Marks Them. In the Laodicean Church of Today: The Holy Spirit Has Been Cast Aside; Prayer is Omitted; The True Word of God Replaced; and Unqualified People Installed as Pastors. Review of Un-Biblical Happenings in Churches Today.
Church Discipline - Accountable Leadership
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Caleb Wilson 08/21/2022 (SS) Acts 20:18-35 Continuing On With the Twofold Goals of a Church: Restoration and Purification. At the End of His Last Visit at Ephesus, Paul Warns the Pastors and Teachers (Those Who Are More Accountable) of the Dangers of Satanic Attacks From Without and Within the Church. The Biblical Qualifications of a Bishop in I Timothy, Chapter 3.
Suddenly No More Time
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David Vallance 08/14/2022 (SS) I Thessalonians 5:1-9 Where The World is Today and What is Getting Ready to Take Place. The Four Horsemen of Revelation 6 and What They Bring.
The Trial of Your Faith
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Keith Tekell 08/07/2022 (SS) Psalm 103:7
Psalm 105:16-22
We Are in the Midst of a Series of Storms and Famine in the Land. In the Wilderness, Where We Are Stripped of Our Familiar Comforts, We Are Totally Dependent Upon Our God. This is What We Need and This is What He Wants for Us.

July 2022

God's Curse on the Secret Crafts of Whoredom
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David Vallance 07/31/2022 (SS) Deuteronomy 18:9-14

The Deep State is the Backbone of Who is Trying to Change the Laws of the Land: Who They Are; the Control They Wield; and Their Desire to Destroy America. We Learn What Christians Should Do in These Evil Days.

Church Discipline
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Caleb Wilson 07/24/2022 (SS) Matthew 18:3-18 There Is a Plan for Protecting the Church. The Lord Jesus Christ Loves His Children, Even Those That Go Astray. The Purpose of Discipline (Where Sin is Open and Unrepentant Within the Church) Is Not to Excommunicate, But Rather to Bring These People Back Into a Right Alignment With God. But If They Will Not, Then the "Leaven" of Sin Must Be Eradicated/
Why I Believe in Dispensationalism
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David Vallance 07/17/2022 (SS) Romans 9:13-15 Looking at All Seven Dispensations From Adam to Jesus and How Food is Associated With Each One. Four of the Covenants Rely on Works and Three Rely on Mercy and Grace.
Where Are You: In Egypt, the Wilderness, or Canaan?
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Keith Tekell 07/10/2022 (SS) Exodus 12:13-14 Parallels Are Drawn Between Egypt and the Natural Man; Canaan and the Victorious Christian Life; and the Wilderness to the Aimless Life of the Carnal Christian.

Technical Difficulties:

No Audio

Caleb Wilson 07/03/2022 (SS)  

June 2022

Prepared Heart
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Rick Owens 06/26/2022 (SS) II Chronicles 12:13-14
Ezra 7:9-10
The Heart Defiles the Man and We Make Our Own Choices. Until We Confess Our Sins; Yield to the Spirit of God; and Let God Change Our Hearts, We Cannot Be Free for Worship to Him.
The Three Harvests and Eight Raptures
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David Vallance 06/19/2022 (SS) Revelation 14:1 Subject Spans Enoch to the Two Witnesses. Speaking of First Fruits of the Resurrection; Touching on Who Are the 144,000 Virgin Jews on the Earth During the Tribulation Period: Our Awe of God's Meticulous Planning and Burden for Souls.
The Enemy Is at the Gate, Remember Amalek
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Keith Tekell 06/12/2022 (SS) I Corinthians 10:1-5
Exodus 17:8-13
Esau and His Grandson, Amalek, Are Pictures of the Flesh. Christians Fight Battles Every Day Without the Victory and End in Despair. But, the Secret of Victory Over the Flesh is That it is Given by God Through Total Dependence: Surrender and Honesty to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Genesis 6 on Steroids - Part 2
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David Vallance 06/05/2022 (SS) Genesis 6:4-5 The World is Spiraling Downward Out of Control and Away From God. The Lie That Satan Pushes Today is the Same One With Which He Beguiled Eve. Speaker Brings Detailed Interpretation of Each Item on the Back of a Dollar Bill. Paul Harvey's Article Entitled "If I Were the Devil."

May 2022

Lives of Conviction
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Caleb Wilson 05/29/2022 (SS) II Timothy 1:1-3 Paul Shares Points for Timothy's Personal Life and the Church: Pursuit of Christ by the Will of God; Protection of the Church (by Seeking the Good of the Church); and Preaching of the Gospel Which Involves the Whole Council of God. Commands From the Word for Godly Men and Women.
Promotion Sunday

(No Audio Only)
  05/22/2022 (SS)   Sunday School Classes Report on the Past Year's Activities and Recognize Those Who Are Advancing to the Next Level.
Genesis 6 on Steroids
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David Vallance 05/15/2022 (SS) Genesis 6:1-6 The Speaker Brings to Our Attention That There Are Warnings Throughout the Bible That Prepare Us For Invasion and Judgment to Mankind. It Began to be Set in Motion in 1947.
Who Hath Bewitched You?
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Keith Tekell 05/08/2022 (SS) Galatians 3:1-29 False Teachings and Salvation Based on Works Religion Are Deceiving Many People and Causing Uncertainty of Salvation. Sometimes Folks Get Muddled By the Passage in James in Regard to Testimony Before Men Instead of What God Sees in the Heart. Even Before the Law, Abraham was Called the Father of All the Faithful.
Continue In Prayer
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Rick Owens 05/01/2022 (SS) Matthew 6:1-13 Christians Need to Spend Time in Prayer to Fellowship With the Lord. Prayer Should Be Spent With a Focused Mind, And Giving Praise to The Lord. It Is Important to be Instant in Prayer and to Pray Without Ceasing.

April 2022

Continue Indeed
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Caleb Wilson 04/24/2022 (SS) John 8:31-44 Jesus Promises Those That Continue in Him That They Shall Know the Truth and the Truth Shall Set Them Free. The Pharasees Trusted in Their Lineage and Their Own Understanding of the Law Rather Than the Word of God.
Man of Sorrows
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David Vallance 04/17/2022 (SS) Isaiah 52-53
Psalm 22
What It Cost to Bring Us Into the Kingdom of God. Marred More Than Any Man, Our Lord Jesus Christ Sacrificed His Life That We Might be Saved - Both for Jew and Gentile.
The Paralyzing Grip of Fear
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Keith Tekell 04/10/2022 (SS) Psalm 53:5
Psalm 46:1-11
Even Though We All Have Fears, God Provides the Remedies That Keeps Us From Falling Apart. Throughout Our Earthly and Spiritual Battles, He Fights Our Battles. Don't Fear, Faint or Fret. Be Still and Know That He is God.
Grace, Mercy, Long Suffering and Love
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Rick Owens 04/03/2022 (SS) Romans 4:4 Our God and Father Provides Us With Unmerited Favor; Undeserved Forgiveness; His Enduring Toleration of Our Rebellion; and the Love of God Offering His Only Son on Our Behalf That We Might Have Eternal Life.

March 2022

The Call of a Pastor
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Caleb Wilson 03/27/2022 (SS) Isaiah 6:1-8 The Call to a Man From an Almighty, Holy God Comes With a Divine Encounter, Desperate Cry, Definitive Cleansing, Devotional Call and Deliberate Commitment. And So Our Pastor Warrants Honor.
A Virtuous Woman: A Study of the Church
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David Vallance 03/20/2022 (SS) Proverbs 31:10-28 An Expository Text Comparing The Virtuous Woman to the Church and Our Responsibilities as Saints.
The Church
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Rick Owens 03/13/2022 (SS) II Peter 3:18-22 Covering the Overall Picture of the Church: The Establishment of the Church; It's Purpose; Duties of The Bride of Christ and the Body of Christ.
The Last Battle
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David Vallance 03/06/2022 (SS) Ezekiel 38 -39 The Battle in Ezekiel, Chapter 39, Takes Place Before the Battle in Chapter 38. Proof Texts of Correct Chronology Drawn From Revelation 19 and 20. It Is All About Israel and Bringing Them Back to God the Father.

February 2022

Shining Evidence of Having Been With God
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Caleb Wilson 02/27/2022 (SS) Exodus 34:28 Learning the Difference Between Having Access to God and Access to the Glory of God. Are We Veiled or Unveiled? God Allows Sinful People to Live in His Presence Thru The Great High Priest. There is a Way to be Close to God.
Getting to Know the I AM
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Rick Owens 02/20/2022 (SS) Matthew 11:27-30 We Learn Directly From God's Word, Line Upon Line and Precept Upon Precept. The Lord Jesus Christ Teaches Us About Himself (The I Am) Throughout the New Testament. Open The Word Today and Learn of Him.
A Tour to Armageddon by Way of the King's Highway
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David Vallance 02/13/2022 (SS) Isaiah 63 Jesus Came the First Time to Shed His Blood to Save Us. He will Come the Second Time to Shed Blood for the Rejection of the Truth And to Destroy Evil. We Will Return in a Cloud With the Lord as Soldiers Prepared for the Battle of Armageddon.
Moses & Elijah
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Charles Lawson 02/06/2022 (SS) Exodus 2:5-10 Moses & Elijah Were Both Tried and Tested to Prepare Them for Their Ministries. They Both Appeared on the Mt. of Transfiguration, and They Will Witness Again to God's Chosen People in the Time of Jacob's Trouble.

January 2022

Emphasis on the Word of God
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Rick Owens 01/30/2022 (SS) I Thessalonians 2:13 The Authorized King James Bible is the True Word of God Encompassing Everything We Need for Life. Grasp How You Receive the Word. It Cannot Be Separated From God and the Lord Jesus Christ. Don't Just Listen to the Word But See The Word So You Don't Miss Anything Including Spellings and Punctuation.
I Will Be King Attitude
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Caleb Wilson 01/23/2022 (SS) 1 Kings 1:5 Adonijah, Fourth Son of David, Desired to Be King. Four Personal Problems Fed This Egomania. (1) He Exalted Himself ; (2) He Did Not Receive Timely Correction From Authority; (3) He Kept Bad Company; and (4) Self Exaltation to Replace Diligence. We Are, From a Young Age, a Lot the Same.
A Moment of Time
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David Vallance 01/16/2022 (SS) Leviticus 26:1-46
Daniel 9:1-27
God Always Warns His People of Coming Judgment. Looking Back, Careful Calculations Reveal A Pattern in the Duration of the Punishments Meted Out. It is the Same Today as He Continues to Warn of Hard Judgments to Come, Especially for Those Who Have Never Received Him as Their Saviour.
A Life That Glorifies God
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Caleb Wilson 01/09/2022 (SS) 1 Kings 17:1-6 A Quick Survey of the Whole Life of Elijah. He Started His Ministry with 25 Words Then Went Into Solitude for 3 1/2 Years. He Exemplified Boldness in Service and Encouragement in Trials That Follow Hard After.
What's My Part in 2022?
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Keith Tekell 01/02/2022 (SS) Isaiah 30:9-15 When Israel Would Forsake Their Lord and Seek Out New Paths, God Had to Call Them On It. Consider or Look at the Ill-advised Liason of Jehoshaphat and Ahab Which God Had to Judge. Christians Need to Stand Firm and Separated During Our Journey Through 2022 and Fix Our Eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ.

December 2021

Attach, Possess, and Control
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David Vallance 12/26/2021 (SS) Deuteronomy 18:9 Satan's Strategy in Warfare for the Souls of Men.He is the Master of Strongholds, Counterfeits. and Deception. Because God Made Man a Living Soul, He Has a Second Chance at Redemption. For This Reason, Satan Really Hates Mankind.
The Incarnation
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Charles Lawson 12/19/2021 (SS) I Timothy 3:16 God Reveals Some of His Heart, Mind and Soul of His Character to Us. What the God-man Earned By His Perfect, Sinless Life. He Did Not Earn His Deity - He Has Always Been God.
Cast Down But Not Destroyed
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Keith Tekell 12/12/2021 (SS) Psalm 63:1-8
Acts 27:13-37
True Enjoyment Comes With a Relationship With God. We All Experience Low Times in Our Lives. Endure Hardship as Both David and Paul Did; Praying and Trusting God for Deliverance and Victories.Will We Faint, or Stay the Course and Stand Strong During These Last Times?
Transition in the Book of Acts
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Charles Lawson 12/05/2021 (SS) Acts 1:1-8
Acts 28:19-27
The Book of Acts Starts With the Disciples Wondering About the Restoration of the Kingdom of Israel. And Ends With Salvation Being Offered to the Gentiles. Reading From the Book of Josephus: Mentioning the Prophet Who Warned About the Imminent Destruction of the Temple and Tisha B Av. Never Dismiss the Supernatural.

November 2021

Heathen, Hypocrite, or Healer
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Caleb Wilson 11/28/2021 (SS) John 8:1-9 The Self-Righteous Scribes and Pharisees' Hypocrisies Were So Deep Within Them That They Could Not See Their Own Sin. The Heathen Has No Personal Convictions But is Mindful of Cultural Taboos. Whatever the Case, Come to The Healer: Repent and Be Made Whole.
The First Antichrist
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David Vallance 11/21/2021 (SS) Revelation 17:2-8 Nimrod Was Full of Rebellion And Wanted to be Worshiped and Has Always Been Considered a Type of the Antichrist. He Also Brought the Religion of Babel Into the World. There Are Many Similarities Between Nimrod's World and Ours.
The Great Deception
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David Vallance 11/14/2021 (SS) Daniel 11:20-26 Five Things the World Wants During the New World Order and the Use of Control.and Planting Doubt to Meet Their Agendas. People Are Being Reduced to "Cows in Stalls."
Attacking the Image of God
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Charles Lawson 11/07/2021 (SS) Genesis 6:1-4 The Admixture of Spiritual Beings With Humans in the Days of Noah And Alluded to in Daniel's Image of the Gentile Kingdoms. Comments Senator Daniel Moynihan and Stephen Quayle's Zenogenesis.

October 2021

The High Priest
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Charles Lawson 10/31/2021 (SS) Matthew 23:29-37 The High Priest After the Order of Melchizedek Could Only Be Established After the Blood Sacrifice and Resurrection From the Dead. The Lord Jesus Christ Was the Priest Made By an Oath Unto All Mankind and is Forever Unchangeable.
The True Word of God
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David Vallance 10/24/2021 (SS) Deuteronomy 17:14-20
Acts 27:12-41
Typology Used to Compare Eqypt and Syria to the Alexandrian Manuscripts and the Textus Receptus: Allegorical Consideration of Paul's Voyage to Rome.Ships to Churches; and the King James Bible to New Versions. A Poem: The Anvil of God's Word
How Christ Lived
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Charles Lawson 10/17/2021 (SS) Matthew 13:55-56 The High Priest Who Sits at the Right Hand of the Father Continually Intercedes on Our Behalf. A Poor Man With No Physical Beauty Was a Friend to Sinners and Servant to All. He Confounded the Masters With His Knowledge But Was Rejected by Man.
The Beasts of Revelation 13
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David Vallance 10/10/2021 (SS) Revelation 13:1-2 A Study of the End Times Including the False Prophet, Antichrist, and the Beast. The Islamic Chrislam and the Mahdi Coming Into Power and the Mark Mention of The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab
From Anointed Cherub to the Lake of Fire
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Charles Lawson 10/03/2021 (SS) Genesis 3:1-4 Sin Existed Before Mankind When Pride Was Found in the Anointed Cherub that Covereth. Satan's Decline is Gradual and Protracted, But the Word of God Says That He and His Angels (Spirit Beings) Will Be - At the Very End - Cast Into the Lake of Fire.

September 2021

Barabbas the Reformer
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David Vallance 09/26/2021 (SS) Luke 23:13-45 Get Ready - The World is Demanding Change - Insurrection, Sedition, Reform and Anarchy. Lucifer Was the First Insurrectionist, Loving the Darkness. The Speaker's Interpretation of the Green (Cedar) Tree and the Dry Tree. The Antichrist Is Coming.
Scoping Out Our Christian Faith
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Charles Lawson 09/19/2021 (SS) I Corinthians 1-16 A Tour Through the Book of I Corinthians and A Nugget Shared Within Each Chapter. Three Things We All Need to Know About the Lord Jesus. Several Difficult Scriptures Are Discussed.
How God's Timeline Works
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David Vallance 09/12/2021 (SS) Revelation to Genesis,
back and forth
Drawn From Material Written by Clarence Larkin, Peter Ruckman, William Grady, and Robert Baker.: God's Timeline is Circular, Like a Clock Face, with the Cross at Twelve O'lock. The O.T. Is on One Side Looking Forward to the Cross; the N.T. is on the Other Side Looking Back to the Cross. They Are Mirror Images of Each Other with Parallels Between Every Milestone Event.
Be Ye Separate
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Keith Tekell 09/05/2021 (SS) II Corinthians 6:16-18 Satan Is In the Business of Seduction: Examples In the Life and Death of Samson; In the Reference to Eli's Grandson Named Ichabod; and the Warnings Found in the Book of Proverbs. We Must be Different From the World--Not Living For Our selves, But Letting the Life and Light of God Be Seen in Us.

August 2021

The Blessed Man
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Caleb Wilson 08/29/2021 (SS) Jeremiah 17:9 The Cause of Sin Is a Deceitful and Desperately Wicked Heart. God Would Give Us a Change of Heart; It's Always Been His Way--It Is ALL That We Need.
The Cursed Man
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Caleb Wilson 08/22/2021 (SS) Jeremiah 17:5 The Cursed Man is One Who Puts His Trust in Man Rather Than in God. God Told Jeremiah to Cry to Egypt That Israel Had First Trusted Him; They Had a God-Given Title; and They Had God-Given Provision. Likewise, God Will Deliver Us if We Will Put Our Trust in Him.
The Religion of Cain
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David Vallance 08/15/2021 (SS) Genesis 4:1-26 When Cain's Offering Was Rejected By God, He Created His Own Religion Which Included Many Things That Relate to Today: Rebellion; Killing of the Righteous; Bustling City Life With Trade, Entertainment; and The Mark.
A Lesson in Interpreting Scripture
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Charles Lawson 08/08/2021 (SS)

Psalm 9:11-16
Matthew 4:6-9

Satan Has Always Used Three Distinct Areas and Presumption in Applying His Tactics to Mankind and Also When He Tempted Christ. The Jesus Seminiar in the 1990's Cherry picked the Orthodox Scriptures and Undermine Jesus to Sell Their Gnosticism.
Liberal Christianity
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Charles Lawson 08/01/2021 (SS) John 21:15-19 The Nuts and Bolts of the Origin of Liberal Christianity. Sections Read From The Key to Theosophy by Helena P. Blavatsky and Her Occult Teachings. Mention of Maurice Rawlings' Immediate Firsthand Witness of Someone Returning From Hell After a Near-Death Experience.

July 2021

Another Jesus, Gospel & Spirit
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Charles Lawson 07/25/2021 (SS) II Corinthians 11:1-4 The Apostle Paul Gave Us A Warning to Look for the Preaching of Another Jesus. Readings From The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels. Churches Today Don't Worship and Believe the Same Lord and Saviour That We Do.
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Charles Lawson 07/18/2021 (SS) II Thessalonians 2:1-3 In Total Contrast to Traditional Christology, the Gnostic Gospel is Not the Gospel of God. It is Founded on Hermeticism. Gnosticism Takes the Form of Jewish Kabbalah and the Prosperity Gospel of Today. Hermeticism Also Includes Logos and Knish.,
The Light
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Charles Lawson 07/11/2021 (SS) Matthew 4:16 From the Light as It is Used in Matthew to the Light of Christ Personified. What Have You Done With the Light?
Through His Own Blood
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Charles Lawson 07/04/2021 (SS) Genesis 9:3-4 Through The Lord Jesus and His Life's Blood the Atonement Was Made. Seven Places Where Jesus Shed His Blood. Review of M.R. DeHaan's book Chemistry of the Blood .

June 2021

The Day of His Returning, Part 2
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David Vallance 06/27/2021 (SS)

Psalm 46 - 48

The End Days are Coming; God has Prepared for the Jews' Protection; Righteous Judgment Will be Passed; the Millennial Reign and the Falling Away of Some; the City of Our God; and Our Eternity
Real Bible Believing
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Charles Lawson 06/20/2021 (SS) I Peter 3:18-22 Preconceived Notions Often Distort a Person's Understanding of the Scripture Even As God Has Used the Talmud to Blind His People to the Person of Christ in This Present Age. Why Are We a Christian? Pastor Shares His Testimony.
Werewolves, Vampires, NWO, and Edification
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Caleb Wilson 06/13/2021 (SS) Ephesians 1:1-4 The Shepherd's Compassion For the Lost and the Needs of the Saints. Our Duties as the Body of Christ in Working of the Ministries, Edification of the Saints, and the Perfecting of the Saints. One Day We Will Be Like Him.
The Day of His Returning, O Glorious Day
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David Vallance 06/06/2021 (SS)

Psalm 45:1-17

Psalms 43-45 Describes What Jesus Christ Did for Us and What He Has Planned for Us in Eternity. These Chapters Include the History of Israel, the Incredible Jew, His Marriage to His Bride and the Glorious Day of His Return. The Eight Family Groups in God's Family.

May 2021

The Chronology of the New Testament #1
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Charles Lawson 05/30/2021 (SS) Hebrews 9:15-17 Understanding the Distinction Between the New Covenant and the New Testament. Also the Day of Christ and the Day of the Lord. What God Has in Store for His People.
Study in Peter #2 - Salvation, the New Birth
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Charles Lawson 05/23/2021 (SS) I Peter 1:5-12 All Scripture is Inspired and Profitable to Anybody But a Person or a Spirit Can Twist It to Meet Their Own Agenda. A List of Scriptures Regarding Angels: Their Involvement in God's Plans and Some Things About Their Nature.

Promotion Sunday
No "Audio Only" File

  05/16/2021 (SS) Psalm 119:12 Sunday School Classes Report on the Past Year's Activities and Recognize Those Who Are Advancing to the Next Level.

The Devil Does Not Want You to Hear This
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David Vallance 05/09/2021 (SS) Isaiah 56 - 57 The Devil Continues to Regain His Reign on This Country. Sexual Perversion is Rampant; Demonic Spirits are Attached to Kids Videos, Toys and Technological Devices. You Don't Have to Suffer What is to Come. Be Saved Today.

Study in Peter #1 - The Salvation of Your Soul
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Charles Lawson 05/02/2021 (SS) I Peter 1:1-3 The New Birth is Connected to the Resurrection - for the Resurrection is Where God Declared Jesus to be His Son and [at Our Resurrection] He Will Declare Us to be His Sons. Also, How Alive the Scriptures Are in Allowing For Prophetic Contingencies.

April 2021

Serving Our God
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Charles Lawson 04/25/2021 (SS) Genesis 2:15-17 Progressive Revelation Through Succeeding Dispensations Show Subtle Changes in How God's Faithful Obey His Word. The Person and Grace of God Shows Us How God Reveals Himself and How We Become Accountable. If God Be For Us, Who Can Be Against Us? Call Upon Him Today.

The Unconditional Covenant
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Charles Lawson 04/18/2021 (SS) Genesis 12:1-3 Comparison of the Epic of Gilgamesh & Other Cultures to the Word of God. The Priest of the Most High, Melchizedek "Abideth a Priest Continually" and Was Greater Than Abraham or the Levitical Priesthood.

The Soon Coming Antichrist
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David Vallance 04/11/2021 (SS) II Thessalonians 1:7-10 The World Has No Fear of God Anymore and the Government is Using "The Great Reset" to Prepare for the Antichrist. Similarities Between Judas Iscariot and the Antichrist. Without Jesus Christ, You Stand No Chance.

Abrahamic Religions
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Charles Lawson 04/04/2021 (SS) Genesis 12:1-2 Jews, Muslims and Christians All Call Abraham "Father". Both Jews and Muslims are Tied to the Land of Israel. Christians are Tied to the Man, Christ Jesus. Special Mention of Several Ways Christians Are Indebted to Jews, God's Chosen People.


The Fundamental Top 500